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Baynes habitually admired quantity gave her an uneasy feeling; and she placed her in a chair opposite the light. There was another reason for her respect which Mrs. Baynes, too good a churchwoman to be worldly, would have been the last to admit she often heard her husband describe old Jolyon as extremely well off, and was biassed towards his granddaughter for the soundest of all reasons.

XIV. There are some things which injure those who receive them, things which it is not a benefit to give but to withhold; we should therefore consider the usefulness of our gift rather than the wish of the petitioner to receive it; for we often long for hurtful things, and are unable to discern how ruinous they are, because our judgment is biassed by our feelings; when, however, the longing is past, when that frenzied impulse which masters our good sense has passed away, we abhor those who have given us hurtful gifts.

The real fruit of its labours will be to "convince men of sin," to convict science of being unscientific, and criticism of being uncritical of being biassed by fashion to the extent of refusing to examine evidence which must be either admitted or explained away.

I believe I owe it to my character to complete the match between my daughter and Sir James after having so long intended it. Let me know your opinion on this point. Flexibility of mind, a disposition easily biassed by others, is an attribute which you know I am not very desirous of obtaining; nor has Frederica any claim to the indulgence of her notions at the expense of her mother's inclinations.

The most recent historian of this period who, to say the least, is not biassed in favor of either the English or Irish government of the period pronounces as his opinion, formed after the most careful research, that the bribery was on the other side. But they name only one man who was purchased, and his vote was obtained for four thousand pounds.

The author of this Essay, before he took into consideration the origin of government, was determined, in a matter of such importance, to be biassed by no opinion whatever, and much less to indulge himself in speculation.

I had not yet felt the charm of his personal fascination, I had neither heard nor seen him, and I did not owe him anything at all, when my interest was gripped in reading his first symphonic poems; and when later they pointed the way which was to lead to La Danse macabre, Le Rouet d'Omphale, and other works of the same nature, I am sure that my judgment was not biassed by any prejudice in his favour, and that I alone was responsible for what I did."

Made tolerant in many directions by the cultivation of his shrewdness, he was hopelessly biassed in judgment as soon as his anti-religious prejudice came into play a point of strong resemblance between him and Peak. After fidgeting for a moment, he exclaimed: 'Yes, I am; but I can't be sure that there's any cause for it. 'Let us come to matters of fact, said Mr.

Madeline, I have asked myself again and again, is this suspicion the effect of jealousy? do I scan his bearing with the jaundiced eye of disappointed rivalship? And I have satisfied my conscience that my judgment is not thus biassed. Stay! listen yet a little while! You have a high a thoughtful mind. Exert it now. Consider your whole happiness rests on one step! Pause, examine, compare!

The gentleman at the firing-point is taking what is known as "a fine sight" so fine, indeed, that each successive bullet either buries itself in the turf fifty yards short, or ricochets joyously from off the bank in front, hurling itself sideways through the target, accompanied by a storm of gravel, and tearing holes therein which even the biassed Ogg cannot class as clean hits.