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However, as Belhomme seemed angry at their making fun of him, the priest changed the conversation and turning to Rabot's big wife, said: "You have a large family, haven't you?" "Oh, yes, Monsieur le cure and it's a pretty hard matter to bring them up!" Rabot agreed, nodding his head as though to say: "Oh, yes, it's a hard thing to bring up!" "How many children?"

However, as Belhomme seemed angry at their making fun of him, the priest changed the conversation and turning to Rabot's big wife, said: "You have a large family, haven't you?" "Oh, yes, Monsieur le cure and it's a pretty hard matter to bring them up!" Rabot agreed, nodding his head as though to say: "Oh, yes, it's a hard thing to bring up!" "How many children?"

"The office of M. the Mayor, if you please." "Upstairs; take the first turn to the right, and then " "But surely I know that voice!" said some one behind Hyde, who had turned round quickly. "What, you!" went on the speaker; "my excellent English comrade here in Paris! Oh, joyful surprise!" "Is it you? M. Anatole Belhomme, of the Voltigeurs? You have left the Crimea?

Maitre Belhomme, his head resting against the door, for he had been the last one to enter, was still moaning. "Oh oh oh! I think it must be an ant, a big ant there it is biting again. Oh, Monsieur le cure, how it hurts! how it hurts!" "Have you seen the doctor?" asked Caniveau. "I should say not!" "Why?" The fear of the doctor seemed to cure Belhomme.

It'll help to cool you." "Ah! the carrion! That's for your filth. Wash yourself for once in your life." "Yes, yes, I'll wash the salt out of you, you cod!" "Another one! Brush your teeth, fix yourself up for your post to-night at the corner of the Rue Belhomme." They ended by having to refill the buckets at the water taps, continuing to insult each other the while.

The party consisted-first, of a rich epicier, a widower, Monsieur Goupille by name, an eminent man in the Faubourg; he was in his grand climacteric, but still belhomme; wore a very well-made peruque of light auburn, with tight pantaloons, which contained a pair of very respectable calves; and his white neckcloth and his large gill were washed and got up with especial care.

Belhomme loved to teach, and it would be indeed a sacrifice for her to give up her school, she felt, after she had talked with the blind man, that it was here where her duty lay. It was indeed a great work that she was called upon to do, and she would enter upon her task with all the enthusiasm of which her big heart was capable.

Surely surely," she urged, even as tears of anguish rose into her eyes, "you must you must, or, if not that, something else. Quick! The very seconds are precious!" They were indeed! Madame Belhomme, obedient as a frightened dog, had gone to the door and opened it; even her well-feigned grumblings could now be heard and the rough interrogations from the soldiery.

If anyone else had said so she might not have felt it so deeply. Yes, undoubtedly it was too true. They had been walking as they talked, and had now reached the schools where Mlle. Belhomme lived. "Come in and we'll have luncheon together," she said. She was thinking that her pupil would not be allowed to take her accustomed place at the family table.

"I give you Good-day, my friend. Well, you see the summer is now close at hand, and still we are on the wrong side of the wall." The speaker was M. Anatole Belhomme, Hyde's French friend. They had met outside a drinking-booth in the hut-town of Kadikoi. Hyde was riding a pony; the other was on foot. "Ah! my gallant Gaul, is it you?" replied Hyde. "Let's go in and jingle glasses together, hey?"