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"Phillips says we shall have to pay a fiver each, what do you think?" I said, without turning round, and instead of answering me Jack went straight into his bedder and seemed to be washing himself vigorously. "What are you doing?" I shouted, but Jack went on washing, so I shut up asking questions.

Simultaneously, a gigantic figure arose at his side and bent over him. "You's bedder?" said the gigantic figure. "Hallo! Big Chief! Wot's up, old feller?" exclaimed Jarwin. "Hold you's tongue!" said Big Chief, sternly. "Go way," he added, to the female, who, with an acquiescent smile, left the room. "Well, this is queer; an' I feels queer. Queery wots the meanin' of it?" asked Jarwin.

I had not expected them, and was consequently a little flurried; the truth is that I was not properly dressed, which handicapped my movements considerably. Decency compelled me to keep my legs under the table, until I could slip into my bedder. I was not in a condition to treat visitors who goaded at my laziness with any courage; tact was the only thing possible.

Fenholtz and I had tried every variety of servant, but she is something fresh." Daniel grinned. "She's fresh enough, if that's all you want," he admitted. "That's the main trouble with her, accordin' to my wife. I like her myself. She reminds me of home." The Honorable shook his hand. "Home is a good thing to remember," he said earnestly, "and a bedder thing not to be ashamed of.

"Hef you any aguaintunce off Mitster Fear?" he inquired, in return, with no expression decipherable either upon his Gargantuan face or in his heavily enfolded eyes. "No, sir," replied the reporter, grinning. "I never ran across him." "Dot iss a goot t'ing fer you," said Mr. Farbach, stonily. "He iss not a man peobles bedder try to run across. It iss what Gory tried. Now Gory iss dead."

Now Lambert, who was only gorgeous by day, frequently became aggressive at night, and I told him to clear out jolly quickly. But instead of doing what he was wanted to he lit a huge cigar, and began smoking the thing in my bedder.

You know you haf bedder look von de vind as Ah got. Ah sail mein sheep! Ah dond't vait for de fair winds nor not'ings!" "No," said Burke, "but ye get 'em, all the same. Everybody knows ye've th' divil's own luck, Schenke!" "Und so you vas! Look now, Cabtin Burke. You t'nk you got so fast a sheep as mein, eh? Veil! Ah gif you a chanst to make money.

However the mere sight of Dennison made me determined not to make a fool of myself and I got rid of my first sentence without a hitch, and then I was all right for some time because the walls of my bedder had heard my speech very often and I knew it well.

"Happy Fear I hef knowt for a goot many years. He iss a goot frient of mine." "What?" "Choe Louten iss a bedder one," continued Mr. Farbach, turning again to stare at his chickens. "Git owit." "What?" "Git owit," repeated the other, without passion, without anger, without any expression whatsoever. "Git owit." The reporter's prejudice against the German nation dated from that moment.