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He was wearing a dark blue bathrobe with a red plaid collar. He looked sleepy and not at all pleased to see his visitors. "Did you have to come so early?" he inquired. "It's almost time for school. Andy has something he wants to tell you." "No, I don't," said Andy. "Come on, Andy, you promised you'd tell." "I've changed my mind." "I wish you'd say whatever you came to say and be off.

"Do we go out for a sail?" asked Ed, attempting to turn on the gasoline. "Oh, no indeed!" Cora answered quickly. "Not a box is unpacked in our place yet, and perhaps, if you boys are all to rights, you wouldn't mind giving us a hand." "Oh, of course we're all to rights," replied Jack. "I had a bolt of mosquito netting for my blanket last night and Wallie's bathrobe for my pillow."

"I'm all in to-night, and ugly as a bear, as usual. I feel better, just this minute, with you in my arms and a bath to the good, but I'm a beast just the same, and you'd best take warning.... Oh, the " For the telephone bell was ringing again. From the way he strode across the floor in his bathrobe and slippers it was small wonder that the walls trembled.

Harold had given him a downy bathrobe; Peggy had made him a hop pillow; Polly had made up a nonsense jingle for each day for a month, sealing each in an envelope and labelling it with dire penalties if read before the date named. But best of all, the class had sent him his class-ring and when it was slipped upon his finger by his roommate, the poor lad broke down completely. Mrs.

What he did, of course, was to draw a tub full of water, undress, put on his bathrobe and slippers, hide the .36 Colt under the bathrobe, and then go across the hall to the gunroom, where he found Mr. Fleming sitting on that cobbler's bench, putting the finishing touches on the Leech & Rigdon.

That's a trick ghost, Jane, I am convinced of that much, and it will take a double trick to lay it." "Certainly I'll organize a raid squad, Maud. I'd love to lead the charge myself. Do we have outposts, and pickets, and-trench companies? Or would a bathrobe drill answer as well?" "Jane, I am serious," Maud pouted.

The next morning was a dark one, and, much to her annoyance, Ruth overslept by ten minutes. Jumping up suddenly, she hastily put on her bathrobe, and, passing along the hall by way of Esther Taylor's and Florence Evans' rooms, made her way toward the shower. She did not hear any stir as she went by the freshmen's doors, but being late, she hurried on.

He felt the future looming, threatening to sweep away the controlled life that he complained about but that suddenly seemed more attractive. The shower stopped. Jennifer stepped out a few minutes later wearing his Navy blue bathrobe. She was rosy cheeked and much recovered. "Uh, how do you like your tea?" "Do you have any chamomile?" "Umm, no. I should get some herb tea.

Fred was shivering in his bathrobe; he said he'd just jumped out of the bathtub, and he had nothing on under it. After a while, Anton opened the gunroom door from the inside, and stood in the doorway, blocking it. He said: 'You'd better not come in. There's been an accident, but it's too late to do anything.

Jeff found Nellie wrapped in his bathrobe in the big chair before the gas log. Her own wet clothes were out of sight behind a screen. "You locked the door when you went out," she charged. "Some of my friends might have dropped in to see me," he explained with his disarming smile. But he could see in her eyes the unreasoning fear of a child that has been badly hurt.