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The priest sat down on the couch where the child lay, and took the fevered hand in his own. "Stay where you are, Bagot, just there where you are, and tell me what your trouble is, and why your wife is not here.... Say all honestly by the name of the Christ!" he added, lifting up an iron crucifix that hung on his breast.

Through the good offices of Baldwin he was elected for the fourth riding of York, an act of courtesy and common sense which was not to lose its reward. Such was the posture of affairs when Sydenham died. The next governor-general of Canada was Sir Charles Bagot, the Tory nominee of the now Tory government of Great Britain.

This incident furnished to Stanley fresh proof, if any were needed, of Bagot's inexperience. An anxious and mistrustful temper appears in all his despatches to Bagot; but, in fact, with little justification. He never learned how completely the governor for whom he trembled was his master in the art of governing a half-autonomous colony.

The priest's grave eyes did not change expression at all, but looked out wisely, as though he understood everything before it was told. Bagot continued: "I didn't notice it, but she had put some flowers there. She said something with an edge, her face all snapping angry, threw the things down, and called me a heathen and a wicked heretic and I don't say now but she'd a right to do it.

"Yes, that is what you did what was it you said which was 'pretty rough'?" There was a slight hesitation, then came the reply: "I said there was enough powder spilt on the floor to kill all the priests in heaven." A fire suddenly shot up into Father Corraine's face, and his lips tightened for an instant, but presently he was as before, and he said: "How that will face you one day, Bagot! Go on.

"Give give?" he cried; "I would give twenty years of my life!" The figure of the priest stretched up with a gentle grandeur. Holding out the iron crucifix, he said: "On your knees and swear it, John Bagot." There was something inspiring, commanding, in the voice and manner, and Bagot, with a new hope rushing through his veins, knelt and repeated his words.

No, it is not possible. And you thought you and your few superstitions were enough for her. Ah, poor fool! She should worship you! So selfish, so small, for a man who knows in his heart how great God is. You did not love her." "By the Heaven above, yes!" said Bagot, half starting to his feet. "Ah, 'by the Heaven above, no! nor the child.

Having buried his first lady, Elizabeth, daughter of Harvey Bagot, of Whitehall in the county of Warwick, Esq; widow of Charles Berkley, earl of Falmouth, without any issue by her, he married, in the year 1684, the lady Mary, daughter of James Compton, earl of Northampton, famed for her beauty, and admirable endowments of mind, who was one of the ladies of the bed-chamber to Queen Mary, and left his lordship again a widower, August 6, 1691, leaving issue by him one son, his grace Lionel now duke of Dorset, and a daughter, the lady Mary, married in the year 1702 to Henry Somerset duke of Beaufort, and dying in child-bed, left no issue.

As early as March, Bagot had begun to feel that the views of the Cabinet in Britain were impracticable: and that even the Civil List might not be so easily defended as Stanley imagined. "I know well by what a slender thread the adhesion of the colony will hang whenever we consent to leave the matter entirely in its own hands.... But the present supply is not sufficient for its purposes.

But a woman a woman and a wife is different.... Bagot, you have been a rough, hard man, and you have been a stranger to your God, but I thought you loved your wife and child!" The hunter's hands clenched, and a wicked light flashed up into his eyes; but the calm, benignant gaze of the other cooled the tempest in his veins.