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Updated: August 7, 2024

Anyhow, I never had an ugly look or a glum word from one of them. Some people express surprise at the splendid Highland regiments now, thanks to Mr. Pitt's politic genius, serving in our army. It is no surprise to me who have commanded a body of clansmen for a fortnight in the back-end of a retreat. Donald was a very jewel of a man.

"Did you find a magpie's nest in your Jerusalem artichokes or half-crowns in the hearts of your pickling cabbages?" "None o' your fleerin'," he replied. "What I'm tellin' you is t' truth, or if it isn't' truth it's a parable, and I reckon a parable's Bible truth. It were gettin' on towards back-end, and I'd bin diggin' potatoes while I were in a fair sweat wi' t' heat.

You see, knowing how anxious Long will be to meet you right off, I thought we'd drive straight to his shebang and 'light and hitch. He's got a chair or two in the back-end of his shack, and we could kind o' set about, and when he ain't waiting on customers, why, we " "I thought you had more sense than that," Dixie burst out with unexpected warmth.

In the last back-end I was at Gledfoot wi' sheep, and a weary job I had and little credit. Ye ken the place, a lang dreich shore wi' the wind swirlin' and bitin' to the bane, and the broun Gled water choked wi' Solloway sand.

"Well, I reckoned there might be some sense in what t' lad said, for if I could raise a seck o' seed potates like yon I'd sooin' mak my fortune. But then I bethowt me o' t' time o' t' yeer, and I said: "'But wheer's t' sense o' settin' a potate at t' back-end? "'Thou'll not have to wait so lang to see what cooms on 't, he replied, and then he turned on his heel an' left me standin' theer.

Then she felt round in the dark and keeked about, wondering what kind of place she was in. And at that very moment, through a bit window in the wall " "She went ben first." "Oh, yes. She went ben; and at that very moment, through the bit window in the back-end of the house, there came a ray of light. The sun "

Na, not I, and, with a short, grim laugh, he brought his fist down heavily on the oak table. 'Ye're daft, Tony, the old woman blurted. 'Daft or na daft, I tell ye this, mother, that I be forty-six year o' age this back-end, and there be some things I will na listen to. Rosa Blencarn's bonny enough for me. 'Ay, bonny enough I've na patience wi' ye.

Silver stared at him. "Who are the Ikey's Own?" "They're Them!" said Monkey with emphasis. "That's what they are and no mistake about it." We are coming. Uncle Ikey, coming fifty million strong, For to see the haughty English don't do our Ikey wrong. "He slipped 'em over special last back-end. Chose 'em for the job.

Keep him close to thee, he'll need thee and thaa'll need him afore yo're both done wi' th' world. Since thi faither deed, Jimmy, I've felt to need thee more and more. It's ten year this last back-end sin' we buried him. And it's nobbud just like yesterday. He wor in th' barn when he wor taan, sudden-like, with apoplex; and he never spoke, or knew me or you at after.

I was just turned of eighteen, and in the back-end of a dripping September set out from our moorland house of Auchencairn to complete my course at Edinburgh College. The year was 1685, an ill year for our countryside; for the folk were at odds with the King's Government, about religion, and the land was full of covenants and repressions.

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