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Updated: July 31, 2024

"As to dinner, sir," she said faintly, "it is agreed, no kitching fire in the hevening. That is understood." I said, "Oh, certainly!" again. "What I should recommend," she said and she winced obtrusively at every sixth word "is an 'arty meal at one, and a light supper at height." "That will suit me admirably," I said. She tapped her fingers together indulgently. "So I thought," she murmured.

Zapp she was the landlady and I didn't like her very much. But here Tom Poppins and Mrs. Arty and the rest they really like folks, and they make it just like a home.... Miss Croubel is a very nice girl. She works for Wanamacy's she has quite a big job there. She is assistant buyer in the " He stopped in horror. He had nearly said "in the lingery department."

As they consumed ice-cream, fudge, doughnuts, and chicken sandwiches at the refreshment counter they were very intimate, resenting the presence of others. Tom and Mrs. Arty joined them. Tom made Nelly light her first cigarette. Mr.

I did not require a second intimation as to my duty in the case. Only a moment or two elapsed before I was on the pavement, and making rapid approaches towards my truant boy. "What is it, darling? What is Arty running after?" I said, as I laid my hand on his arm, and checked his eager speed. He struggled a moment, and then stood still, stooping forward for something on the ground. "O, papa see!"

"So I am a mate," giggled Johnson, "and you don't catch me shipping noways else. But I'll tell you what: I believe I can get you Arty Nares. You seen Arty; first-rate navigator, and a son of a gun for style." And he proceeded to explain to me that Mr.

"ARTY! Arty!" called Mrs. Mayflower, from the window, one bright June morning. "Arty, darling! What is the child after? Just look at him, Mr. Mayflower!"

Arty's nearly as fat as I am, but she can be pretty spry if there's something she can do for you. Nice crowd there, too except that Teddem he's one of these here Willy-boy actors, always out of work; I guess Mrs. Arty is kind of sorry for him. Say, Wrenn you seem to me like a good fellow why don't you get acquainted with the bunch? Maybe you'd like to move up there some time.

"But, Power, I shall never be the same as I once was. It seems as if some light had gone out and left me in the dark." "Nonsense, Arty; the summer holidays will bring you round again." But Eden only shook his head, and muttered something about Colonel Braemar not being kind to him and his little sister. "Do you think they would let you come and stay part of the holidays with us?"

"They'd thrash you a little, no doubt, but respect you more for it. And surely it would be better to bear one thrashing, and not do what's wrong, than to do it and to go two such journeys out of the window, and get the thrashings into the bargain? So even on that ground you ought to refuse. Eh, Arty?" "Yes, Walter," he said, casting down his eyes.

Arty, "to think of the old goats that men put up for candidates when they know they're solemn old fools! I'd just like to get out and vote my head off." "Well, I think the woman's place is in the home," sniffed Miss Proudfoot, decisively, tucking away a doily she was finishing for the Women's Exchange and jabbing at her bangs.

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