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Her right hand held the dark object and with it began to make a succession of quick, wavy, hooky dabs at one end of the strip of white. "First time I ever seen anybody trying to knit without needles," said the perplexed Swing. "That ain't knitting," said the superior Racey. "That's tatting." "Tatting?" "Tatting." "What's it for?" "Lingery." Racey pronounced the word to rhyme with "clingery."

Petticoats, feller, is made of yards and yards and yards like a balloon." "Who said they wasn't, you witless Jake? They don't make petticoats of this tatting stuff. They use it for trimming like." "Trimming on the petticoats?" "And the lingery." "But you just now said petticoats and lingery was the same thing." "Oh, my Gawd! They are! They are the same thing. Don't y' understand?

"Lingery?" "Lingery." "What's lingery?" "Lingery is clo'es." "Clo'es, huh. Helluva funny name for clo'es. Why don't you say clo'es then instead of this here now lingery?" "Because lingery is a certain kind of clo'es, you ignorant Jack. Petticoats, and the like o' that. Don't you know nothin'?" "I know yo're lying, that's what I know.

Petticoats is always lingery, but lingery ain't always petticoats. See?" "I don't. I don't see a-tall. I think yo're goin' crazy. That's what I think. Nemmine. Nemmine. If you say lingery at me again I won't let you introduce me to yore girl." "She ain't my girl," denied Racey, reddening. "But you'd like her to be, huh? Shore. What does she think about it? Which one of 'em is she?"

Zapp she was the landlady and I didn't like her very much. But here Tom Poppins and Mrs. Arty and the rest they really like folks, and they make it just like a home.... Miss Croubel is a very nice girl. She works for Wanamacy's she has quite a big job there. She is assistant buyer in the " He stopped in horror. He had nearly said "in the lingery department."