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It'll be a good time to get away while Presson is busy!" It was plain that, lacking any other object, the Duke was venting the last of his spleen on this wretched victim of the game. "Before you go, give me one of those 'Honest Arba' ribbons. I keep a scrap-book of jokes!" The abject candidate had no word to offer in reply.

"I like the one in the Place de la Concorde better," said Caterna, "and that is only in one piece." At this observation we left the mosque of Gour Emir, and as it was time to "hurry up," as our actor said, the arba was driven briskly toward the station.

Hebron therefore became the inheritance of Caleb the son of Jephunneh the Kenezite unto this day, because that he wholly followed the LORD God of Israel. And the name of Hebron before was Kirjatharba; which Arba was a great man among the Anakims. And the land had rest from war.

No more dynasties, Sir Duke of Fort Canibas! You'll be having a coat of arms next!" This last was said in rude jest the public horseplay of a man anxious to win his laugh at any cost. "I've got a coat of arms, Arba; I won the decoration when I retired from hard work at the age of fifty. That was about the time you were starting in life by selling fake mining stock around this State.

As at Jerusalem, or at Kadesh on the Orontes, the Hittites had intruded into Amoritish territory and established themselves in the fortress-town. But while the Hittite city was known as Kirjath-Arba, "the city of Arba," the Amoritish district was named Mamre: the union of Kirjath-Arba and Mamre created the Hebron of a later day.

The main part of the camp had already gone forward, and must have reached Arba, the first halting stage outside Beni-Mora; tents, the horses for the Roumis, the mules to carry necessary baggage, the cooking utensils and the guard dogs. But the Roumis themselves were to depart from the church on camel-back directly the marriage was accomplished.

"Our explorations will be so much the more agreeable," said the major, with a bow to the charming actress. "And," I added, with a view to save fatigue and gain time, "my dear friends, allow me to offer you an arba." "An arba!" exclaimed Caterna, with a swing of his hips. "What may that be, an arba?" "One of the local vehicles." "Let us have an arba."

He told me that he was on the way to El Arba, a long journey through the desert from Sidi-Massarli, and that his business was to convey there the man at the end of the cord. "But what is he? A prisoner?" I asked. "A murderer, monsieur," the Spahi replied calmly. I looked again at the man, who was wiping the sweat from his face with one huge hand. He smiled and made a gesture of assent.

"I reckon they'll raise your guard, now, Arba," he said, nodding at the stolid and plain men. "There isn't much more that you can do, either to harm or help. You'd better pull a chair out to the edge of the stage there, and listen to what a h l of a fellow you are when your orators nominate you. Then before the applause dies away, you'd better start for home.

She put out her hand and took hold of her husband's, and pressed it down on the sand. "Do you remember that first night, Boris," she said, "at Arba, when you took my hand in yours and laid it against the desert as against a heart?" "Yes, Domini, I remember." "That night we were one, weren't we?" "Yes, Domini." "Were we" she was almost whispering in the night "were we truly one?"