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Recent linguistic research has clearly traced among the Arba Lisun, or, "Four Tongues" of ancient Chaldaea, which are so often mentioned on the ancient monuments, an Arian formation, such as would naturally have been left in the country, if it had been occupied for some considerable period by a dominant Arian power.

Abraham then returned to his servants, and went into Beersheba and dwelled there. Sarah lived an hundred and twenty-seven years and died in the city of Arba, which is Hebron in the land of Canaan; for whom Abraham made sorrow and wept, and bought of the children of Heth a field, and buried her worshipfully in a double spelunke. Abraham was an old man, and God blessed him in all his things.

Around the Bordj, and before a Cafe Maure built of brown earth and palm-wood, opposite to it, the Arabs who were halting to sleep at Arba on their journeys to and from Beni-Mora were huddled, sipping coffee, playing dominoes by the faint light of an oil lamp, smoking cigarettes and long pipes of keef. Within the court of the Bordj the mules were feeding tranquilly in rows.

'The living can wait, but the dead have got to be buried." The Duke had made his way out of the crowd before the laughter ceased. "Apply it to suit, Arba!" he called over his shoulder. Arm in arm with his grandson, the Duke traversed the lobby and went up the broad stairs to the State Committee headquarters double parlors on the floor above.

"What is it?" asked Domini, stifling a sigh. "Madame should draw the curtains. We are halfway to Arba. It is time for dejeuner. I will make the camel of Madame lie down." A loud "A-a-ah!" rose up, followed by a fierce groaning from the camel, and a lethargic, yet violent, movement that threw them forward and backward. They sank.

H. H. Thomas, H. N. Hibbard, George Chandler, Harvey Edgerton, Dr. C. N. Fitch, E. A. Jewett, Col. Arba N. Waterman, E. B. Sherman, John M. Thatcher, A. W. Butler, Frank Deinson, H. N. Nash, John M. Southworth, George W. Newcombe, and S. W. Burnham. December 15. Samuel Dyer, a pioneer in the anti-slavery movement, died at South Abington, Mass., aged seventy-eight years.

Perhaps in our hearts already He has put a secret knowledge of the end." "Has He has He put it that knowledge into yours?" "Hush!" she said. They spoke no more that night. The caravan of Domini and Androvsky was leaving Arba.

I merely say I'm willing to take hold and haul, if the people want me to. I offer myself, if no better one is found." The crowd applauded that sentiment generously. Thornton did not lose his amiability his tolerant yet irritating good-humor. "Speaking of wheel-horses, Arba a man up my way started out to buy a horse the other day.

"I am glad, inexpressibly pleased, that as chairman of your convention I can now declare myself for General Waymouth; for the convention has but one name before it the name of Arba Spinney has been withdrawn!"

Arba Spinney, vociferous, rank outsider, apostrophizing the "tramp of the cowhide boots," reckless in his denunciation of every man who held office, promising everything that would catch a vote, urging overturn for the sake of overturn and a new deal, marked the other extreme. For the mass, Change, labelled Reform, seems wholly desirable. Political sagacity saw trouble ahead.