United States or Luxembourg ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

This tariff of favours and of infamy descends 'ad infinitum'. The secretary for signing, and the clerk for writing your commission; the cashier for delivering it, and the messenger for informing you of it, have all their fixed prices. Have you a lawsuit, the judge announces to you that so much has been offered by your opponent, and so much is expected from you, if you desire to win your cause.

24 George II. c. 40. June 1751. Middlesex Records. General Advertiser. Sept. 9. 1751. Middlesex Records. October, 1751. "of all my Offspring she is my favourite Child." The Covent Garden Journal. No. 8. On the 2nd of December 1751 the General Advertiser announces that On Wednesday the 18th of this Month will be published By HENRY FIELDING, Esq; Beati ter et amplius Quos irrupta tenet Copula.

Reinforcements arrived for both parties, four or five more Apaches stealing into the room, while Thurstane and Shubert came through from Coronado's side. Hitherto, it did not seem that the garrison had lost any killed except the sentry who had fallen outside; but presently the lieutenant heard Shubert cry out in that tone of surprise, pain, and anger, which announces a severe wound.

It presents new aspects every day, new questions and problems and difficulties, new answers and solutions and adjustments. It makes them think all the time. They love to think." She added this as one who announces a discovery, long pondered over. "They enjoy thinking." "Yes," Lulu agreed wonderingly, "that's true, isn't it? That never occurred to me. They really do like thinking. How curious!

His gaze is fixed upon the yew hedge, as if searching for gun positions or vulnerable points. Presently, however, he turns away, and coming close to Captain Mackintosh, puts his lips to his left ear. Mackintosh prepares his intellect for the reception of a pearl of strategy. But Captain Shand merely announces, in his regulation whisper, "Dam pretty girl lives in that house, old man!"

The "able editor" looks into his leather spectacles free trade or high tariff brand and with owl-like gravity announces that if the import tax on putty be increased somewhat, or fiddle-strings be placed on the free list, the American mechanic will have money to throw at the birds that mortgages and mendicancy will pass like a hideous nightmare, and the farmer gayly bestride his sulky plow attired like unto Solomon in all his glory.

A publication of the day thus announces his arrival; "On the 16th of last month, James Oglethorpe, Esq., member of Parliament for Haslemere, in Surrey, and of the Trustees for establishing the Colony of Georgia, arrived in the Aldborough man of war, at St.

That intuitive impression which announces to us the approach of whomsoever we love or hate with intense vehemence, long before a more indifferent eye can recognise their persons, flashed upon my mind the sure conviction that the midmost of these three men was Rashleigh Osbaldistone.

General Quitman's movements to San Antonio and Coyoacan Movements of General Pillow General reconnoissance by Scott Chapultepec Scott announces his line of attack Surrender of the Mexican General Bravo Preparations to move on the capital Entry of General Scott into the City of Mexico General Quitman made Military Governor General Scott's orders Movements of Santa Anna General Lane American and Mexican deserters Orders as to collection of duties and civil government.

Such is the general formation of the plain between the mountains and the sea, whose breadth, in a direct line, may measure from forty-five to forty-eight miles. Near the first zone of hills, or sub-Ghauts, it produces a thicker vegetation; thorns and acacias of different kinds appear in clumps; and ground broken with ridges and ravines announces the junction.