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Mother, all my life I have been drinking of many wells, but I never yet came to this Well. `Ancor soyf j'ay: tell me how I must labour, where I must go, to find that Well whereof the drinker "`Jamays soyf n'aura A l'eternite'?" "Who taught you those lines?" asked the eremitess quickly. "I found them in the device of a jewel," replied Philippa.

It was not agitated by the storm; but by the rocks which stand in habitual opposition to its waves, irritating its grandeur. E non udite ancor come risuona Il roco ed alto fremito marino? And do you not hear still the hoarse and deep roar of the sea?

'La dolcezza ancor dentro me suona. Don't you remember, and made such fun of it at first? 'Amo zoo; 'no amo me? my sweet!" This was a specimen of the baby-lover talk, which is charming in its season, and maybe pleasantly cajoling to a loving woman at all times, save when she is in Dahlia's condition.

"'Un altro po' di fravole, e dammi crema ancor," she sang softly, in the Roman dialect. Then she laughed again, and Reanda smiled at the absurd words "A few more strawberries, and give me some more cream." But even the few notes, a lazy parody of the prima donna's singing of the phrase, charmed his simple love of melody. "Don't look so grim, papa," she said in English.

It is written in Shakespeare, but should be read with the commentary of Salvini's voice and expression: "O! siam nell' opra ancor fanciulli," "We are yet but young in deed." Circle below circle. He is looking with horrible satisfaction into the mouth of hell. There may still be a prick to-day; but to-morrow conscience will be dead, and he may move untroubled in this element of blood.

"Se ti riduci a mente Qual fosti meco, e quale io teco fui, Ancor fia grave il memorar presente." I am one that notes When Love inspires; and what he speaks I tell In his own way, embodying but his thoughts. Jacopo da Lentino, called the Notary, and Fra Guittone of Arezzo, were celebrated verse-writers of the day. The latter, in a sonnet given by Mr.

At the moment when the first shot was fired on Menotti's house she had been reading Petrarch's Ode to the Lords of Italy, and the lines l'antico valor Ne Vitalici cor non e ancor morto had lodged like a bullet in her brain. From the day of her marriage she began to take a share in the silent work which was going on throughout Italy.

Once, when he was reminded in the Campo Santo at Pisa that he was standing on holy earth brought from Palestine, he said, smiling, "Perhaps they will make a saint of me some day." He died a Catholic, and, instead of launching its censures against Fra Giacomo, the Church might have written "ancor questo" among its triumphs.

Non venir più per questa vile strada ad opere ancor più vili." "Let this suffice thee, Sordello. Come no more by this vile path to yet viler deeds." It was probably after this amour ended that Sordello sat out upon his travels, visiting most courts, and dwelling long in Provence, where he learned to poetize in the Provençal tongue, in which he thereafter chiefly wrote, and composed many songs.

Elaine hesitated a moment; but another glance at Philippa's smiling face seemed to reassure her, and she sang, in a low voice, to a sweet, weird tune: "`Quy de cette eaw boyra Ancor soyf aura; Mays quy de l'eaw boyra Que moy luy donneray, Jamays soyf n'aura A l'eternite." "This must be very widely known," thought Philippa. "Who taught thee that the holy sisters?" she asked of the child.