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Beside them stands a fellow who sells a print of the Angel appearing to San Giuseppe in a dream, and warning him against the sin of jealousy. Four curious lines beneath the print thus explain it: "Qual sinistro pensier l'alma ti scuote? Se il sen fecondo di Maria tu vedi, Giuseppe, non temer; calmati, e credi Ch' opra e sol di colui che tutto puote."

"I practis ridin and the acquirement of 'a steady and & a sure seat across Country' assijuously 4 times a week, at the Hippydrum Riding Grounds. Many's the tumbil I've ad, and the aking boans I've suffered from, though I was grinnin in the Park or laffin at the Opra.

It is written in Shakespeare, but should be read with the commentary of Salvini's voice and expression: 'O! siam nell' opra ancor fanciulli' 'We are yet but young in deed. Circle below circle. He is looking with horrible satisfaction into the mouth of hell. There may still be a prick to-day; but to-morrow conscience will be dead, and he may move untroubled in this element of blood.

It is written in Shakespeare, but should be read with the commentary of Salvini's voice and expression: "O! siam nell' opra ancor fanciulli," "We are yet but young in deed." Circle below circle. He is looking with horrible satisfaction into the mouth of hell. There may still be a prick to-day; but to-morrow conscience will be dead, and he may move untroubled in this element of blood.