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Elaine hesitated a moment; but another glance at Philippa's smiling face seemed to reassure her, and she sang, in a low voice, to a sweet, weird tune: "`Quy de cette eaw boyra Ancor soyf aura; Mays quy de l'eaw boyra Que moy luy donneray, Jamays soyf n'aura A l'eternite." "This must be very widely known," thought Philippa. "Who taught thee that the holy sisters?" she asked of the child.

"`O retributio! stat brevis actio, vita perennis; O retributio! caelica mansio stat lue plenis." "How blessed an exchange, how grand a reward! I trust God, but thou seest Him. I believe He hath done well, with thee, as with me, but thou knowest it." "`Jamais soyf n'auras A l'eternite!" Baudekyn, the richest variety of this rich silk, in which threads of gold were probably intermingled.

At length she succeeded in making out a rude rhyme or measure, in the Norman-French which was to her more familiar than English. "Quy de cette eaw boyra Ancor soyf aura; Mais quy de cette eaw boyra Que moy luy donneray, Jamais soif n'aura A l'eternite." Devices of the mediaeval period were parted into two divisions religious and amatory.

Mother, all my life I have been drinking of many wells, but I never yet came to this Well. `Ancor soyf j'ay: tell me how I must labour, where I must go, to find that Well whereof the drinker "`Jamays soyf n'aura A l'eternite'?" "Who taught you those lines?" asked the eremitess quickly. "I found them in the device of a jewel," replied Philippa.

"`Quy de cette eaw boyra Ancor soyf aura; Mays quy de l'eaw boyra Que moy luy donneray, Jamays soyf n'aura A l'eternite." "You know that, brother?" she said breathlessly. "Do you, Lady?" asked the monk as Philippa felt, with a deeper than the merely literal meaning. "I know the `ancor soyf aura," she said, mournfully; "I have not reached beyond that."