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"`Quy de cette eaw boyra Ancor soyf aura; Mays quy de l'eaw boyra Que moy luy donneray, Jamays soyf n'aura A l'eternite." "You know that, brother?" she said breathlessly. "Do you, Lady?" asked the monk as Philippa felt, with a deeper than the merely literal meaning. "I know the `ancor soyf aura," she said, mournfully; "I have not reached beyond that."

Accordingly I wish the cockneyfied pedant who first disturbed it by reading Emo for Amo, and quy for qui, had choked in the attempt. I am very unwilling to sacrifice our sumpsimus to their old mumpsimus still more to humble ourselves before the Saxons while we can keep an inch of the Scottish flag flying. But this is a question which must be decided not on partialities or prejudices.

Elaine hesitated a moment; but another glance at Philippa's smiling face seemed to reassure her, and she sang, in a low voice, to a sweet, weird tune: "`Quy de cette eaw boyra Ancor soyf aura; Mays quy de l'eaw boyra Que moy luy donneray, Jamays soyf n'aura A l'eternite." "This must be very widely known," thought Philippa. "Who taught thee that the holy sisters?" she asked of the child.

At length she succeeded in making out a rude rhyme or measure, in the Norman-French which was to her more familiar than English. "Quy de cette eaw boyra Ancor soyf aura; Mais quy de cette eaw boyra Que moy luy donneray, Jamais soif n'aura A l'eternite." Devices of the mediaeval period were parted into two divisions religious and amatory.