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Well, be it so, said Wilkins, somewhat disappointed, "but I'm determined to kick him up anyhow." Saying this he advanced towards the brute, but again the powerful hand of Mafuta seized him. "What you do? want git kill altogidder? You is a fool! Him got nuff strong in hims tail to crack off de legs of 'oo like stem-pipes. Yis, kom back?"

Ob course I kin talk wid de peons an' de gauchos, whose conv'sation am mostly 'bout grub, an' hosses, an' cattle, an' dollars, an' murder, but when I tries to go in for flosuffy, an' sitch like, I breaks down altogidder."

"Now, boys, heave away," said Joe Davidson, setting the example. "It seems unwillin' to come, don't it," growled Gunter. "Dat's 'cause him full ob fishes," said Zulu; "heave away, boys altogidder!" He strained with all his might. So did the rest of the crew. Round went the capstan, and in a few minutes the great forty-eight feet beam appeared.

"I's sure I does, Massa Osman!" "Don't interrupt me, you black villain! Can't you see that if Hester's father is a Bagnio slave there is no chance of her having found refuge with him?" "Das true, massa. I do s'pose you's right. I's a born ijit altogidder. But, you know, when a man gits off de scent ob a t'ing, anyt'ing dat looks de least bit like a clue should be follered up.

"Sooz'n," he said, "de white folk is past my compre'nshin altogidder, an' I ha'n't got words to tell you how t'ankful I am dat you an' me was born black." "Das true, Quash. We's got reasin to rejoice. But what went wrong?" "What went wrong? why, my lub, eberyt'ing went wrong. Look here, dis was de way ob it.

"Yes, Massa Benjy, bery too much altogidder," said Butterface, echoing the sigh. "Come, we won't cut through this," cried Captain Vane in a cheery voice; "we'll try to go over it. There is a considerable drift of old snow that seems to offer a sort of track. What says Chingatok?" The easy-going Eskimo said that it would be as well to go over it as through it, perhaps better!

"Well now, I do think," remarked Hockins, when the door had closed behind them, "that Rav Rave-what's-his-name might have took notice of me too as an old friend that helped to do him service." "Hm! he seemed to forgit me altogidder," remarked the negro, pathetically. "Dere's nuffin so bad as ingratitood 'cept lockjaw: das a little wuss." "What d'ee mean by lockjaw bein' wuss?" demanded Hockins.

"Have they caught the rascals?" asked Lawrence, suddenly recollecting what had passed, and raising himself on one elbow. "I not know, massa. Nobody here to tell." "How what where are the troops?" "Dun know, massa; gone arter de Injins, I s'pose, an' de Injins gone arter deir own business, an' bof gone off de face ob de art' altogidder so far as I can see."

But dere's one t'ing as comforts me a leetle, an' dat is, dat Peter de Great ain't de biggest hyperkrite in de world arter all, for de way you purtended not to know dat gal, an' de way she purtended not to know you, hab took de wind out ob my sails altogidder!"

"Deeply learned!" echoed Alf with a laugh, "why, I have only a smattering of them. Just knowledge enough to enable me in some small degree to appreciate the vast amount of knowledge which I have yet to acquire. Why do you look perplexed, Butterface?" "'Cause, massa, you's too deep for me altogidder. My brain no big 'nough to hold it all."