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"Why, unless it is Davy Jones himself, tapping with his long finger-nails, a-telling us as how we've been too long already here." "Then, I presume, we may as well go; and yet I am more disposed to deem it some device of the enemy to dislodge us from this place, for the purpose of enabling them to effect some nefarious scheme or other they have afloat."

They stole that shirt right off o' the line! and as for that sheet they made the rag ladder out of, ther' ain't no telling how many times they DIDN'T steal that; and flour, and candles, and candlesticks, and spoons, and the old warming-pan, and most a thousand things that I disremember now, and my new calico dress; and me and Silas and my Sid and Tom on the constant watch day AND night, as I was a-telling you, and not a one of us could catch hide nor hair nor sight nor sound of them; and here at the last minute, lo and behold you, they slides right in under our noses and fools us, and not only fools US but the Injun Territory robbers too, and actuly gets AWAY with that nigger safe and sound, and that with sixteen men and twenty-two dogs right on their very heels at that very time!

Why, bless you! there han't been a thing done on the farm this five years but just what he liked she don't know it. I've heerd her," said Sam chucking "I've heerd her a-telling him how she wanted this thing done and t'other, and he'd just not say a word, and go and do it right t'other way. It'll be a wonder if somebody ain't considerably startled in her calculations afore summer's out."

"I say, master, if this is as you're a-telling us, how is it that folks talk so again' the Mormons? I met a man in Heartburg once, who had been out there, and he couldn't say bad enough of 'em." "Snakes! but that's a natural question of yours, and I'm glad to answer it," replied Brother Jarrum, with a taking air of candour. "Those evil reports come from our enemies.

Then they'll sort of halfway forget before another year and you can spring it again. But I'm a-telling you the facts, if you leave poison scattered round loose for six months you'll see coyotes increasing fast and there'll be hell to pay amongst your sheep; you'll break behind two ways at once.

Turn your back on Reggie give him the cold shoulder see how he'll like it! And you pay your addresses to our young man. The mistress was a-telling me how he's made a partner with Mr. Boult an'll be rich as him, if not richer, some day. You'd drive your kerridge, my dear; and Reggie hisself couldn't give you more."

Comes here yesterday and says to me, reproachful-like, as I was lifting a twenty-pound codfish out of my boat, 'Uncle Jim, ain't a codfish a dumb animal? I'd been a-telling him, you see, that he must be real kind to dumb animals, and never hurt 'em in any way.

"Now, sure as the world, honey, you done heard somefin 'bout de poor young marser? Is he come to an accident, honey?" inquired the man very uneasily. "Who?" questioned Nora vaguely. "The young marser, honey; Mr. Herman Brudenell, chile!" "What of him?" cried Nora a sharp new anxiety added to her woe. "Why, law, honey, aint I just been a-telling of you?

"Yer see," began Tom Tully, "I'm a chap as allus gets bullied as soon as he opens his mouth." "Soon as what chap opens his mouth?" said the gunner. "Why, ar'n't I a-telling of you? me," growled Tom Tully. "Well, what's the matter now?" said the gunner. "Well, I was a-wondering what we was going for ashore." "Now, just hark at this here chap!" said the gunner indignantly.

"And that jest reminds me to tell you that a letter come from Todd last night a-telling me and Granny Satterwhite about the third girl baby borned out to his house in Colorado City. Looked like they was much disappointed. I kinder give Todd a punch in the ribs about how fine a boy General Stonewall Jackson have grown to be.