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"Ike Morgan Pringle's a-been horse-throwed down the clift, and he's in a manner stone dead." "Right sensibly atween the shoulders I've got a pain; somethin' 's gone wrong with my stummick; I don't 'pear to have no stren'th left; and sometimes I'm nigh sifflicated. Whut you reckon ails me?" "Come right over to Mis' Fullwiler's, quick; she's fell down and busted a rib inside o' her!"

"Thank you, I couldn't let you take so much trouble or risk." The three of us pattered out of the stream abreast. "No trouble," replied the sergeant, "it wouldn't take half a minute." "No," I rejoined, "the first step would be the last." The men laughed again. "You must a-been born with all your teeth," said the private, as we quickened to a trot. "What makes you think we ain't after conscripts?"

Paht ob dey eddications must a-been neglected ef dey gotter be tied up ter keep 'em whar yo' wants 'em fer ter stay at. Yo' need'n worry 'bout Shashai and Star. Dey's got sense." Dawson vouchsafed no reply. One must be tolerant with garrulous old niggers, but he'd keep an "hey on them 'orses" all the same.

I've often seen you when you've a-been agoin' in. Sometimes you has the Pell Mell off o' this man here." He jerked his head a trifle to the left, where a younger man was standing armed with a sheaf of whiter papers. In that gesture were years of envy, heart-burning, and sense of wrong.

It must a-been the same ship, sir, don't you think?" "Unless two different ships were whale-sunk off the west coast," the Ancient Mariner replied. "And of the one ship, the Essex, there is no discussion. It is historical. The chance is likely, steward, that the man you mentioned was from the Essex."

"Certainly, certainly, Mr. Bloomer. I'm not in the least offended." "Um-hm. Didn't cal'late you would be. Can't help our names, can we? If my folks had asked me aforehand I'd a-been named plain John. As 'tis, my name's like my legs, growed that way and it's too late to change." Galusha smiled. "You're a philosopher, I see, Mr. Bloomer," he said.

But about that swan Mortimer must 'a-been talkin' through his hat.

"Marse Bob died right here in dis here house. He died a po' man. If my old mistis had a-been here she wouldn' a-let' em treat him like dey done. If I'd a-been here I wouldn' a-let' em done like dat, neither. "I been a-livin' by myse'f since my wife died. My son, Oscar, lives on de lan' an' rents it from me. "I don't know what's gwine a-happen to de young folks now-a-days.

"I reckon sometime yistiddy; but it couldn' a-been so ve'y long ago, noway!" Without another word Jane pushed back the sums and passed swiftly stableward across the lawn. There was no one at the stables, but she took down her bridle and walked past the long row of box-stalls, finally entering when she came to a horse she knew.

"Great," said Billy; "that would suit us all the way up. If you'd do that, Kid, we'd be tickled to death." "And touching salary " put in Psmith. "Shucks!" said the Kid with emphasis. "Nix on the salary thing. I wouldn't take a dime. If it hadn't a-been for you gents, I'd have been waiting still for a chance of lining up in the championship class. That's good enough for me.