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I've seen wimmen so foolish I wouldn't believe anything more foolish could exist, if it hadn't a-been I'd seen still more foolish wimmen with these same eyes. But a woman who'd marry Pete was beyond my expectations.

'It's where we-alls lives at; can tomatters is. "'I tells you what you-all do, says Enright, 'an' when I speaks, I represents for this yere camp. "'Which he shore does, says Jack. 'He's the Big Gray Wolf yere, you can gamble. If he don't say "go slow" when you comes a-yellin' up, your remains would a-been coverin' half an acre right now.

"Miss Maud, don't you reckon dat ef Moses had a-save' up money enough to a-boughtened his freedom, dat'd a-been de wery sign mos' pleasin' to Gawd dat he 'uz highly fitten to be sot free widout paying?" To that puzzle she waited for no answer beyond the distress I betrayed, but turned to matters less speculative, and soon said good night. On the third evening my!

"Look here," said he roughly, "you're bound on a randivoo with Dan'l Leggo, and you can't deny it." "I don't intend to," she answered. "And you be bound on much the same errand, though you'd deny it if your face could back up your tongue." "Dan'l Leggo has a-been my partner in business for five years, Miss Sanders. Isn't it nat'ral enough I should want to visit and consult him?"

He wouldn't never 'a' whipped me the way he done if he'd a-been truly my grandfather." Craft looked up at Sharpman with a little nod. The boy had identified him pretty plainly, and proved the truth of his story to that extent at least. "Oh, no!" said the lawyer, "oh, no! Mr. Craft is not your grandfather; he doesn't claim to be. He has come here only to do you good.

"Yes, the critter's dead!" said Elihu, philosophically, for he lost nothing by her. "It was so to be, and there wa'n't no help for it. That's what I thought from the fust, but I was willin' to try." "Wasn't there anything that could have saved her?" Elihu shook his head decidedly. "If she could a-been saved, I could 'ave done it," he said. "What I don't know about cow diseases ain't wuth knowin'."

The old man sat down in the doorway and bowed his grey head in his arms. Then, after a moment, he whispered: "She's been dead twenty-two years, Jen. The day Val was born she went away. I'd a-been a better man if she'd a-lived, Jen; and a better father." This was an unusual demonstration between these two.

"We'll talk it over again to-night." "And now for Robin's gaiters!" They fitted perfectly; "miraculously" was Rosamund's word for the way they fitted. "His legs might a-been poured into them almost, a-dear," was nurse's admirably descriptive comment on the general effect produced. Robin looked at his legs with deep solemnity.

He got the `wet' jest as good as I can, an', if he drawed the `ye-ar' out a little, still any blockhead could a-told what he was sayin', an' in a voice pretty an' clear as a bell. Then he got love-sick, an' begged for comp'ny until he broke me all up. An' if I'd a-been a hen redbird I wouldn't a-been so long comin'. Had me pulverized in less'n no time!

The dep'ties had a circus 'fore they got the irons on him. Caught him in a clearin' 'bout two miles back o' the Holler. He was up in a corn-crib with a Winchester when they opened on him. Nobody was hurted, but they would a-been if they'd showed the top o' their heads, for he's strong as a bull and kin scalp a squirrel at fifty yards.