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125 The Great is a born child; when he dies he gives his great childhood to the world. 126 Not hammerstrokes, but dance of the water sings the pebbles into perfection. 127 Bees sip honey from flowers and hum their thanks when they leave. The gaudy butterfly is sure that the flowers owe thanks to him. 128 To be outspoken is easy when you do not wait to speak the complete truth.

I supplied him, therefore, with 10,000 gospel tracts and 30 Bibles, and subsequently with 127 more Bibles, and finally with 10,000 more tracts and 74 Bibles. The third object of this Institution is, to aid missionary efforts. During the past year has been spent of the funds of the Institution for this object, the sum of £3,177, 17s. 11½d.

The new party announced that it would have a leader for each of the 63 assembly districts of the city and a captain for each of the 2,127 election districts, these and their assistant officers to be supervised by a borough chairman and other officers in each borough, the entire force to be directed by a city chairman assisted by city officers and a board of directors. Mrs.

No. 127 Laburnum Road was under the joint partnership of two ladies, Miss Pidsley and Miss Hammond. Miss Pidsley was the chief partner, and took the lead. She interviewed the parents, managed the house, the meals, and almost everything, while Miss Hammond's duties lay more especially with the girls, their lessons and games.

The key-note of the Essay to which Berkeley refers in this passage is to be found in an italicized paragraph of section 127: "The extensions; figures, and motions perceived by sight are specifically distinct from the ideas of touch called by the same names; nor is there any such thing as an idea, or kind of idea, common to both senses."

Nibet longed to rush up the flights of stairs to number 127 and interrogate the warder who had gone on duty after himself, and whom he was now about to relieve in turn. He must surely know all about it. But it would not do to create suspicion, and Nibet had sufficient self-control left to go upstairs at his usual leisurely pace.

The gross revenue amounted to £58,332 sterling for Lower Canada, and £18,673 sterling for Upper Canada. The expenditure amounted to £127,379 sterling, including £9,720 for the purchase of seed wheat in 1817; £45,270 in payment of army bills: £14,988, the fifth of the whole duties collected for 1817 and due to Upper Canada, by agreement. The cost of mere legislation was this year £13,420 currency.

Heavy musketry fire marked the Turkish offensive on December 12, 1915. They attacked on the same day a river village on the right bank of the Tigris, but were repulsed with heavy casualties. It was estimated by the British commander that the Turks lost at least 1,000 men during this abortive attack. British losses at the Kut since their return totaled 1,127, including 200 deaths, 49 from disease.

Friday night's meeting brought no change in the score. Each troop, eager and keen, reported faultlessly. The blackboard read: PATROL POINTS Eagle 122-1/2 Fox 127 Wolf 124-1/2 Tonight there was silence when the scores were posted. The contest had grown too tight for mere noise and bluster. A false step now by any patrol might drop it hopelessly to the rear. When Mr.

Merton " ................. 124 4. Exeter " ................. 299 5. Oriel " ................. 293 6. Queen's " ................. 351 7. New " ................. 157 8. Lincoln " ................. 141 9. All Souls' " ................. 98 10. Magdalene " ................. 165 11. Brazennose " ................. 418 12. Corpus Christi " ................. 127 13.