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Lashed to the running-board was an extra tire, fully inflated. She seized the shaking man by the hand. "Get a knife! get a knife!" she commanded. "Haven't you a knife?" "Ye-yes," he gasped, fumbling in his pocket. "Come on!" she ordered, and ran up the path to the road where the automobile stood. He came, opening the knife as he ran. The girls in the car were shrieking now.

He laid open his affairs without the smallest reserve, and descanted at some length upon the merits of his company, and the acquirements of his family; of both of which, the two broad-sword boys formed an honourable portion. 'You are going that way? asked the manager. 'Ye-yes, said Nicholas. 'Yes, I am.

Tweet told me something about where you're going down there in southern California. It's on the desert. A new railroad's building. Things will be lively. A friend of mine was in here at the time. He's got a lot of automobile trucks, and makes piles of money. Maybe you noticed him. Good-looking fellow in a brown suit. Drives a big drab car?" "Ye-yes, I've seen him," admitted Hiram resentfully.

"Kase I don't want to get nobody in trouble with Cap'n Beardsley," replied the coachman; and he might as well have told the full particulars, for Marcy and his mother knew that they had one of the captain's own servants to thank for their rescue. "And does Julius know all these things?" "Ye-yes, sar," exclaimed Morris, becoming so angry that he could not talk half as fast as he wanted to.

'Ye-yes, Doady, said Dora, 'and so I bought a beautiful little barrel of them, and the man said they were very good. But I I am afraid there's something the matter with them. They don't seem right. Here Dora shook her head, and diamonds twinkled in her eyes. 'They are only opened in both shells, said I. 'Take the top one off, my love.

'Ye-yes' Billy replied, 'of co-course he must, b-but he needn't volunteer information.

"Ye-yes; but in this case there seems no uncertainty, for she and Angut " "Silence! you worse than baby walrus!" Ippegoo shut his mouth, and humbly drooped his eyelids. After a few minutes, Ujarak, having swallowed his wrath, continued in a calm tone "This time we have failed. Next time we will be sure to succeed, and " "I suppose your torngak told "

"Why, 'cause," she said, "that was just it. I knew if you knew that you wouldn't care whether David stole the chicken or not. And I wanted you to know he didn't." "Um, I see. But if you had told me you wouldn't have had to tell about the parlor. I'D never asked a single question." "Ye-yes, sir; but I wanted you to know David doesn't steal chickens." Shadrach swallowed hard. "I see," he said.

Wonderingly the children watched it, and then there came into sight, above the roof of the sun parlor, the head and shoulders of the painter. He looked surprised as he saw the children, and then a cheerful smile spread over his face as he said: "Well, you've been getting daubed up, I see!" "Ye-yes," faltered Bunny. "We got some of your paint on us!" "'Tisn't my paint!" laughed the painter.

"You've remembered that, have you?" "Yes, Alfred," said his wife. "And are you sorry for all your bad behavior?" demanded Mr. Hatchard. Mrs. Hatchard hesitated. Then a clatter of fire-irons downstairs moved her to speech. "Ye-yes," she sobbed. "And you want me to take you back?" queried the generous Mr. Hatchard. "Ye-ye-yes," said his wife. Mr.