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She hated Nikitin: when she saw him she put her head on one side, showed her teeth, and began: "Rrr . . . nga-nga-nga . . . rrr . . . !" Then she would get under his chair, and when he would try to drive her away she would go off into piercing yaps, and the family would say: "Don't be frightened. She doesn't bite. She is a good dog."

In a short time the dog fell into a slumber, as was shown by a number of grunts and yaps which proved his sleep, for the dog Argus is of that kind which hunts in dreams. His master covered him reverently rather than gently with an Indian cloth and, still leaving him in the armchair, sat down upon a common wooden chair close by and gazed pitifully at the fire.

First one horse, then another, floundering badly, almost goes down, the buggy whirls round and comes within an ace of upsetting, the little dog's excited yaps sound above the uproar. Then one mighty lurch and we are up the bank.

One of his dogs, an English spaniel, neither interested in Janice's caricature of Lee, nor in Lee's abuse of Washington, took advantage of his master's preoccupation to steal into the house, a proceeding which Clarion evidently resented, for suddenly from within came loud yaps and growls, which told only too plainly that if there was no protector of the household from the anger of the general, there was one who objected to the intrusion of his dog.

They wouldn't be anywhere without him. The yaps that listen to him don't understand him, but somehow he gets under their skins. Have you seen him lately?" "Never saw him," replied Tallant. "Well, if you had, you'd know he was a sick man." "Sick!" I exclaimed. "How do you know?" "It's my business to know things," said Judd Jason, and added to Tallant, "that your reporters don't find out."

"Git the guns laid out to hand, boys; I told you we 'd ought to follow!" he commanded. "If it's the old fellow that belongs here, he may put in any minute." But there was again a long silence and state of suspense; the chase had turned another way. There were faint distant yaps. The fire burned low and fell together with a shower of sparks.

I don't care if you are the King of the Yaps," said Willie, the boatman. "I have my orders. This is private property. Stay where you are right where you are, mind! till I send for the boss." "You send for them two Injuns that is who our business is with," put in Bilby. "That Totantora and Wonota. I want to see them not that Hammond."

They wouldn't be anywhere without him. The yaps that listen to him don't understand him, but somehow he gets under their skins. Have you seen him lately?" "Never saw him," replied Tallant. "Well, if you had, you'd know he was a sick man." "Sick!" I exclaimed. "How do you know?" "It's my business to know things," said Judd Jason, and added to Tallant, "that your reporters don't find out."

It's just a couple of crooks that won't dare open their yaps to the bulls, 'cause what we're after 'll be what they'll have pinched themselves. See?" Shluker's face lost some of its belligerency, and in its place a dawning interest came. "What's that?" he demanded cautiously. "What crooks?" "French Pete an' Marny Day," said Pinkie and grinned. "Oh!" Shluker's eyebrows went up.

"If you had to work all day in that hole, standing on your feet, picked on by yaps for six a week, I guess you wouldn't talk virtuous, either. It's easy for you to shoot off your mouth, you've got a soft snap with Ditmar." Janet was outraged. She could not restrain her anger. "How dare you say that?" she demanded. Lise was cowed. "Well, you drove me to it you make me mad enough to say anything.