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Tumbu was first, and with joyful yaps began to career about in circles curved like a comma, biting and snapping at the snow. Down came last, and meaowed piteously, lifting up first one cold foot, then another, and shaking it in disgust.

For them pore yaps jes' sat there, each with his little glass thermometer in his mouth, a-waitin' and a-waitin' and never sayin' a word. Then bime-by Bud, who's a-holdin' of the watch on 'em, sings out 'Time! an' they all takes their thermometers out an' looks at 'em careful-like to see where they stand. "'Mine's ninety-nine, says one. "An' another says: "'Mine's a hundred.

We didn't do so badly for country yaps did we? It feels mighty good to be in the kale-patch. No more small change for yours truly. But, say it was a battle!" Mrs. Knight ran down slowly, like a clock. This sudden and unexpected triumph had gone to her head; she could talk only of dollars and cents.

"Them boys has always treated us white clean through," he bawled, banging his fist on the bar, "and a lot of you pikers that don't know nothin' about the case sit around like a lot of yaps and let this Denver bunch pack the meetin' and declare a strike.

Seems to me the men's tastes even for what they want at home are getting louder and louder all the time. They hate anything that looks slow. And in our business it's harder and harder to please them except the yaps from the little towns and the college boys. A woman has to be up to snuff if she gets on. If she looks what she is, men won't have her nor if she is what she looks."

Jim "'lowed" some church shows might be better than "that un," but Polly said he could have her end of the bet, and summed up by declaring it no wonder that the yaps in these towns was daffy about circuses, if they didn't have nothin' better an' church shows to go to. One of the grooms was entering the lot with Polly's horse.

Their entrance was what Patsy might have termed "fit." The dogs of the village were on hand; that self-appointed escort of all doubtful characters barked them down the street with a lusty chorus of growls and snarls and sharp, staccato yaps.

Having first sprung at him with that volubility of small but hostile yaps, with which she strikes terror into the hearts of tramps, she has now having smelt him to be not only respectable, but an acquaintance changed her behavior to a little servile whine and a series of high jumps at his hand.

Just the same we had 'em jammed an hour there. You oughta seen the street cars blocked, too Broadway, Fourteenth, San Pablo, as far as you could see." "But what did Blanchard do?" Saxon called him back. "He led the procession, an' he drove my team. All the teams was from my stable. He rounded up a lot of them college fellows fraternity guys, they're called yaps that live off their fathers' money.

Why, them tenderfeet used to cry like babies when they got a peek at them rapids. Can I handle a b Yes, and I wish I was back there right now instead of hitched up with a pair of yaps that don't know when they're well off." "But, look here, Fraser," Emerson spoke up, "I don't think you are strong enough for this trip.