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Updated: August 18, 2024

It was quite a laborious proceeding, and his first attempt was a fizzle, for he reached the end of the paper before he finished the "in" in Nodelman. He tried again, and this time he was successful, but it was three minutes before the task was completed. It left him panting and wiping his ink-stained fingers on his hair

"I suppose, after all," mother mused on, surreptitiously wiping those prideful eyes, "that there is something in Inspiration, and the dear child just had to wait till she got it, and that she doesn't know any more than we do where it came from." "No, I daresay she doesn't."

"This heat is becoming unbearable, we're roasting," said Gervaise, wiping her face before returning to Madame Boche's cap. They talked of boxing Augustine's ears when they saw that the stove was red-hot. The irons, also, were getting in the same condition. She must have the very devil in her body! One could not turn one's back a moment without her being up to some of her tricks.

When he came to an end and closed the volume, the cadence of his tones, and the lady's memory, did ample justice to her sensibility. She looked up, and smiling through her watery eyes, which glittered like violets wet with dew, drew out her perfumed handkerchief, and wiping them, said "I thank you, Mr. Constantine.

Lady Amelia pointed it out, and said, "An excellent man!" "Yes, a most excellent man!" he replied, wiping a tear from his eye. FRANCIS. Hark, Daniel! You know I have ever been a kind master to you; I have given you food and raiment, and have spared you labor in consideration of your advanced age. DANIEL. For which may heaven reward you! and I, on my part, have always served you faithfully.

I don't want the lock ruined!" But there was no stopping the thing! Before the butler came back, the lock fell, the door opened, and out came Hector, wiping his brow with his sleeve, and looking as if he enjoyed the fun. The keepers darted forward. "Stand off!" said the chief stepping between. "I don't want to hurt you, but if you attempt to lay hands on him, I will."

Now, his arm on its back and his head on his arm, his body shook with the relentless convulsion of a complete nervous collapse. Epstein had produced a handkerchief and was feebly wiping his forehead. Doris seemed to have ceased to breathe. Laurie walked over to her, took her hands, and drew them away from her face. Even yet, she seemed not to understand. "I'm sorry," he said, very gently.

Leave the young lady out of it, or I'll give you something else to think about for a while." "Rats fer you," said the fellow, snapping his fingers under Ted's nose. He picked himself from the ground ten feet away, wiping his bleeding nose and wondering what had happened to him. "Say, boy," said the foreman of the Running Water, "that was as pretty and clean a blow as ever I see.

By this time I was wiping my hands and glancing from detail to detail of the room's belongings, as one is apt to do when he is in a new place, where everything he sees is a comfort to his eye and his spirit; and I became conscious, in one of those unaccountable ways, you know, that there was something there somewhere that the man wanted me to discover for myself.

Every thing in such suspense and uncertainty; and seeing him so seldom we can hardly meet above twice a-year. I am sure I wonder my heart is not quite broke." Here she took out her handkerchief; but Elinor did not feel very compassionate. "Sometimes," continued Lucy, after wiping her eyes, "I think whether it would not be better for us both to break off the matter entirely."

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