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"That mout not a-bothered him so much if he hadn't switched from straight licker and taken on consid'able many drinks of this here new-fangled stuff called creamy de mint green stuff like what you see in a big bottle in a drug store winder with a light behind it. By the middle of the third day Breck was trying to walk on his hands. He had a figger like one of them Mystic Mazes.

'I don't know where, replied the girl. 'Then I do, said Sikes, more in the spirit of obstinacy than because he had any real objection to the girl going where she listed. 'Nowhere. Sit down. 'I'm not well. I told you that before, rejoined the girl. 'I want a breath of air. 'Put your head out of the winder, replied Sikes. 'There's not enough there, said the girl. 'I want it in the street.

He did what he thought was all right, and didn't want to be bothered. I never think about prayin' till I git into a tight place. It stan's to reason that the Lord don't want people comin' to him to do things that they can do theirselves. I shouldn't pray for breath; I sh'd jest h'ist the winder. If I wanted a bucket o' water, I sh'd go for it.

"Yes sah, Miss Nurse, Mandy say dat gal jest throwin' herself 'round de room an' screechin', an' Mandy grab her jest as she 'bout to jump out de winder. She won't say nothin' but how she's burnin' up an' Mandy she send Jake to me quick. I sho don' want to wake Dr.

The doctor was not very strict when he held court during holidays, otherwise he might have told Al to remain silent until he was questioned. "'At Smit's, repeated Pat, 'an' moindin' not to disturb yez by comin' in late, sure I just climbed up to the hall winder, an' as I wur half t'rough, an' wur' takin' somethin' from me pocket' "'A flat bottle, interposed Al. "'A bottle, eh?

"Is this what you call being ready for us? Why, the bloomin' winder ain't even undone!" "That's what I'm here for," said poor Leander. "Is the the other gentleman out there too?" "You mind your business! You'll find something the Count give me to bring yer; I've put it on the winder-sill out 'ere. And you obey horders next time, will yer?" The footsteps were heard retreating. Mr.

He crept down the shore of the creek, and crossed the slope to the wasteway. "Is it all right, Zinn?" he called out. "Yes," came the reply. "The rascal stuck his ugly head out of the winder a moment ago, but I scared him back. He can't escape on this side."

General John H. Winder, then in charge of all the prisoners in the Confederacy, with his headquarters in Richmond, was furious when the news reached him. After a careful external examination of the building, and a talk, not of the politest kind, with Major Turner, he reached the conclusion that such an escape had but one explanation the guards had been bribed.

Robert thought that we should like to see the inside of an Indian prince's palace, and so we did. Miss Meechim of course woudn't consent to let Dorothy go anywhere nigh such a place, and I guess she disinfected her clothes before she see Dorothy when she got back; 'tennyrate, I see her winder up and her dress hangin' over a chair.

Todd, lighting his pipe, "afore we get on to the business of this meeting I want to remind you that there is another meeting, of ladies, at four o'clock; so we've got to hurry up. O' course, if it should happen that we ain't finished " "Go on, Bennie!" said a delighted admirer. "I see a female 'ead peeping in at the winder already," said a voice. "Let 'em peep," said Mr. Todd, benignly.