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In the present case it is, doubtless, to be ascribed to the peculiar nature of my Memoir of Aubrey, of which but a limited number of copies were printed for the Wiltshire Topographical Society.

His aunt gave the alarm, and old John Wiltshire, a favourite carpenter, ran to the spot, exclaiming, "Heaven bless the boy! if he is not going to pull the house down!" In 1834, Sir John, as already stated, made a voyage to the Cape of Good Hope, in order to undertake a series of observations of the southern heavens.

I would mix in the frolicks of a country wake, or revel, as they were called in Wiltshire, and contend, generally successfully, with the first proficients of the day, in wrestling jumping in sacks, backsword, or single stick playing, and have borne off many a prize.

She had been, in the first place, in the most wonderful houses The Earl of Twinkerton's, Bambary House, Wiltshire, was the greatest of these, and she had been there for ten years; there were also Lady Mettlesham, the Duchess of Cranburn, and, to Peter, the most interesting of all, Mr.

A slight tap at the door once more aroused her, and in answer to her invitation, "Walk in," a lady entered the room, and affectionately addressed the young girl. "Forgive my intrusion, my dear Miss Wiltshire, but I feared, from your remaining so long in your room, that you were not well, and have come to ascertain whether I am correct or not."

In a dim way she did understand that the choice was between going to the devil at once, and not going quite at once; and then, weakly, wistfully, with uncertain step, almost without an operation of her mind, she did not take the turn which, from the end of Trotter's Buildings, would have brought her to the Railway Station, but did take that which led her by the Three Honest Men out on to the Devizes road, the road which passes across Salisbury Plain, and leads from the city to many Wiltshire villages, of which Bullhampton is one.

In his boyhood, in Wiltshire, he had learned the technique of the dry fly, and his successes with trout in gin-clear water made Jocelyn respect him. Considine's friendship with Jocelyn must be put to his credit. If he had been a prig he would either have turned up his nose at his patron's morals or condoned them with a sense of self-sacrifice and forbearance. He didn't do either.

You see, everybody is in Brighton in December, with friends or in hotels; and, as I say, it's a case of open house and take your chance. 'We are more formal, and a little duller, in Wiltshire, said Frank King. 'I wish you'd come to Kingscourt for a few days. We haven't shot the best of the covers yet. Those who thought that Tom Beresford was a foolish youth knew nothing about him.

The cottages erected by farmers or by landlords are now, one and all, fit and proper habitations for human beings; and I verily believe it would be impossible throughout the length and breadth of Wiltshire to find a single bad cottage on any large estate, so well and so thoroughly have the landed proprietors done their work.

I’m not on the shoot to-day,” said I. “Well, the devil go with you for me,” says he. “The same to you,” says I. But we stuck just the way we were; no fear of either of us moving. Case laughed. “We can’t stop here all day, though,” said he. “Don’t let me detain you,” says I. He laughed again. “Look here, Wiltshire, do you think me a fool?” he asked. “More of a knave, if you want to know,” says I.