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Updated: August 16, 2024

The forward guns of the Westphalen poured a veritable rain of shells upon the British vessel and in a moment she was wounded unto death. There was nothing the other vessels of the fleet could do to aid her; and it was plainly apparent that she must sink.

At Bonn young Marx felt as if a blaze of light had flashed before him; and from that moment his studies, his companions, and the ambitions that he had hitherto cherished all seemed flat and stale. At night and in the daytime there was just one thing which filled his mind and heart the beautiful vision of Jenny von Westphalen.

At last, driven to despair, he said that he was going to write to the Baron von Westphalen, reveal the secret, and ask for the baron's fatherly consent. It seemed a reckless thing to do, and yet it turned out to be the wisest.

The British cruiser Defense, making straight for the German dreadnaught Westphalen, hurled a shell aboard the German flagship that burst amidships. There was a terrible explosion and men were hurled into the water in little pieces. A hole was blown through the upper deck. But the Defense paid dearly for this act.

We made it so hot for the poor teacher that he had to give up and leave the town. I wish I could remember the verses, but I never was any good for remembering poetry, and it was a long, long time ago more than three score years ago now. "We thought it was funny that Karl never gave over playing with the girls his sister and Jenny von Westphalen.

July 2d, the news came: King withdrew into privacy; to weep and bewail under this new pungency of grief, superadded to so many others. Westphalen, ii. 14. Going over his past Life to Mitchell; brief, candid, pious to both his Parents; inexpressibly sad; like moonlight on the grave of one's Mother, silent that, while so much else is too noisy!

The torpedo had reached the Westphalen's boiler room. Quickly the German admiral and his officers clambered over the side and rowed to the Wiesbaden, where they were taken on board and the admiral's flag run up. The Westphalen was abandoned; and she sank a few moments later.

There now remained facing the entire German fleet the Lion, the Queen Mary, the Indefatigable, the Marlborough and two torpedo boats, the Fortune and the Alcaster. But the German losses had been great. The Westphalen had been sunk. So had the Pommern and the Freiderich. The Frauenlob had gone to the bottom and the Wiesbaden, the new flagship, was badly crippled.

"So, when I took the shoes sometimes I would stop and play with him a bit play with Karl and the girls. He was always playing with girls with his sister, Sophie, and little Jenny von Westphalen. "Sometimes I liked it not so playing with girls. They were older than we boys and wanted everything to go their way, and I liked not that girls should boss boys.

The two men became firm friends, and the baron treated the provincial lawyer as an equal. The two families were on friendly terms. Von Westphalen's infant daughter, who had the formidable name of Johanna Bertha Julie Jenny von Westphalen, but who was usually spoken of as Jenny, became, in time, an intimate of Sophie Marx.

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