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"Umslopogaas," I said in the deep silence that followed, "hear me." "I hear you," he answered without turning his head or moving his arms. "What counsel, Watcher-by-Night?" "This, Slaughterer. Strike not at that man's face and breast, for there I think he is protected by witchcraft or by armour. Get behind him and strike at his back. Do you understand?" "Nay, Macumazahn, I understand not.

We Zulus trust you, Macumazahn, as we trust few white men, for we have known for years that your lips say what your heart thinks, and that your heart always thinks the thing which is good. You may be named Watcher-by-Night, but you love light, not darkness."

Mavovo appeared, his massive frame silhouetted against the blackness. "Watcher-by-Night, the night is done," he said. "If they come at all, the enemy should soon be here." Saluting, he too passed away into the dark, and presently I heard the sounds of spear-blades striking together and of rifles being cocked. I went to Stephen and woke him.

"Well, White Man, how am I to know that all this is not but a trap for my feet which already seem to feel cords between the toes of both of them? What token do you bring, O Watcher-by-Night? How am I to know that the Opener-of-Roads really sent me this message which has been delivered so strangely by one who wished to travel on another path?

Then with that perception which is part of the mental outfit of the great, they saw that the game was up since I could have shot them both before a knife touched me. "You have won this time, O Watcher-by-Night," whispered Harût softly, "but another time you will lose. That beautiful lady belongs to us and the People of the White Kendah, for she is marked with the holy mark of the young moon.

Good night to you, Watcher-by-Night with the white heart and the strange destiny, good night to you, and try not to think too hardly of the old Kafir cheat who just now is called 'Opener-of-Roads. My servant waits without to lead you to your hut, and if you wish to be back at Umbezi's kraal by nightfall to-morrow, you will do well to start ere sunrise, since, as you found in coming, Saduko, although he may be a fool, is a very good walker, and you do not like to be left behind, Macumazahn, do you?"

"Son of Matiwane," said the King, "I have heard all the story of how, with a small company, you destroyed Bangu and most of the men of the Amakoba, and ate up their cattle every one." "Your pardon, Black One," interrupted Saduko. "I am but a boy, I did nothing. It was Macumazahn, Watcher-by-Night, who sits yonder.

Can you not remember it now when I would speak with the white chief, Watcher-by-Night, who has been so good as to take the trouble to come to see me?" On hearing these words Mameena leapt up in a rage, and I must say I never saw her look more lovely. "You insult me, daughter of Panda, as you always try to do, because you are jealous of me." "Your pardon, sister," replied Nandie.

As I got hold of the handle, however, a deep voice said: "Is it your custom, O Macumazana, Watcher-by-Night, to receive guests with bullets?"

If I succeed I may keep a piece of the iron when it gets cool, and if I burn my fingers it is my own fault, and I or my House must not come crying to Panda." "O Watcher-by-Night, you have speared the bull in the heart," replied Maputa, the messenger, nodding his shrewd old head. "Well, will you go up with Saduko?"