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Will you come with me and share those cattle, O Watcher-by-Night?" "Get thee behind me, Satan," I said in English, then added in Zulu: "I don't know. If your story is true I should have no objection to helping to kill Bangu; but I must learn lots more about this business first.

"So say we all," exclaimed the rest of the company when he had finished. "The thought comes to me to begin to satisfy my heart with thy coward blood and that of thy companions," said Ayesha contemptuously. Then she paused and turning to me, added, "O Watcher-by-Night, what counsel? Is there aught that will convince these chicken-hearted ones over whom I have spread my feathers for so long?"

"The Basutos brought me here." "The Watcher-by-Night is pleased to say that I lie, so doubtless I do lie," she answered, her fixed smile deepening a little. Then she folded her arms across her breast and remained silent. "You are a messenger, O seer of pictures in the dust and bearer of the cup of dreams," I said with sarcasm.

"No," I answered, "because your heart is black and your eyes are so full of blood that you do not know Macumazahn when you see him." "Wow!" said one, "it is Watcher-by-Night whom our fathers knew before us. Leave him alone." "No," shouted the great fellow, "I will send him to watch where it is always night, I who keep a club for white rats," and he brandished his stick over me.

"I, Harût, head priest and doctor of the White Kendah People, greet you, O Macumazana," said the elder man. "I, Marût, a priest and doctor of the People of the White Kendah, greet you, O Watcher-by-night, whom we have travelled far to find," said the younger man. Then together,

Is it the Chief Saduko, is it the Prince Umbelazi, or is it the white lord whose true name I do not know, but who is called Macumazahn, Watcher-by-Night?" "I can't remember which of them proposed it," yawned Panda. "Who can keep on talking about things from night till morning? At any rate, I propose it, and I will make your husband a big man among our people. Have you anything to say against it?"

He added that Cetewayo had sworn to the King that not a hair of my head should be harmed, in these words: "Had I wished to kill Watcher-by-Night because he fought against me, I could have done so down at Endondakusuka; but then I ought to kill you also, my father, since you sent him thither against his will with your own regiment.

Apparently he had been watching my eyes, for he said, "I see that like other creatures which move at night, such as leopards and hyenas, you take note of all, O Watcher-by-Night, even of the soldier who guards this place and of where the fence is set and of how its gate is fashioned." "Had I not done so I should have been dead long ago, O Chief."

Then a spokesman stepped forward, one of the few grey-haired men among them, for most of these Amangwane were of the age of Saduko, or even younger. "O Watcher-by-Night," he said, "I am Tshoza, the brother of Matiwane, Saduko's father, the only one of his brothers that escaped the slaughter on the night of the Great Killing. Is it not so?" "It is so," exclaimed the serried ranks behind him.

"It is the Holy Thing! It is the spirit-haunted Shape of Power itself, and we the Worshippers of Lulala will follow thee to the death, O white lord, Watcher-by-Night. Yes, where thou goest and he goes who bears the Axe, thither will we follow till not one of us is left upon his feet." "Then that's settled," I said, yawning, since it is never wise to show concern about anything before savages.