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Updated: August 15, 2024

The third river behind Maguiring is larger than those preceding it; on the sixth lies the large Visita of Borobod; and on the tenth, that of Ragay. The rice fields cease with the hill country, and on the slope, which is well drained by deep channels, only wild cane and a few groups of trees grow.

D. Pedro, la hora es bastante inoportuna, y bien sabe Dios que no cómo disculparme con usted. DON PEDRO. ¿De qué, amigo mío? DON EDUARDO. Por una visita realmente demasiado matutina e inesperada. DON PEDRO. ¿Y quién le dice a usted que yo no esperaba esta misma visita? DON EDUARDO. ¿Que me esperaba, dice usted?

A visita is a small hamlet or village with no priest of its own, and dependent upon its largest neighbor for its religious ministrations. Pigafetta mentions that the female musicians of the King of Cebu were quite naked, or only covered with an apron of bark. The ladies of the Court were content with a hat, a short cloak, and a cloth around the waist.

"And what may have been your motive for coming to this place?" said I. "Per far visita a sua signoria, ecco il motivo." "Why do you speak to me in that gibberish?" said I; "do you think I understand it?" "It is not Armenian," said the man in black; "but it might serve in a place like this, for the breathing of a little secret communication, were any common roadster near at hand.

And Don Sebastian gets angry, and is furious each time any murmurs about this reach his ears. If they told him the choir intended to give a dance he would be less irritated than when he hears them wag their tongues about Doña Visita." The Perrero was silent for a few moments as though he were doubtful about saying something serious. "The lady is very good and kind.

It is she who rules everything, and Don Sebastian, who is so terrible with everyone else, becomes like an angel when he sees her. He rages and screams and bites the days when he is ill, but if Doña Visita appears, he controls himself at once; he suffers in silence, moans like a child, and it is sufficient for her to say a soft word, or give him a caress for His Eminence to slobber with delight.

Palm, and Pic, Los Romeros, and Fero: The 25. of Aprill they saw Bona visita, the 16. they ankered vnder Isole de May: The 27. they set sayle againe and held their course South Southeast.

The festival of Corpus drew near without anything occurring to ruffle the quiet life of the Cathedral. Sometimes in the upper cloister they spoke of His Eminence's health. "It is his heart," said the Tato who was usually very well informed about things in the palace "Doña Visita is weeping like a Magdalen and cursing the canons, seeing Don Sebastian so ill."

Let everyone do as he likes in his own house, and he who does evil, let God punish him." He scratched his head as though he were once more doubtful. "And as to what Doña Visita is to the Cardinal," he added, "I have no doubt whatever. I have facts to go on, uncle, and I know how they live. One of the servants has often seen them kissing that is to say, not the two kissing.

The prayer, Visita quaesumus is found in Breviaries of the thirteenth century and was introduced probably by the Friars Minor. The words habitationem istam are said to indicate that it is a prayer not only for the chapel of the friars, but for their dwellings on journeys. It was said in choir by the abbot or presiding priest.

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