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Updated: August 21, 2024

Such was the miserable situation of that man, who, in the words of Augereau, "apres avoir immolé des millions des victimes, n'a su mourir en soldat;" and such the treatment of a French mob to one whose name, the moment before, they had extolled with all the symptoms of the most devoted enthusiasm. J'ai vu l'impie, adorè sur le terre Pareil au cedre, il cachoit dans le cieux Son front audacieux.

This should have been worn by those who formerly invented in the Revolution "Bals aux victimes." Yesterday we breakfasted at Mrs. Somerville's, and sat in her painting-room. Left her at one o'clock, and went by appointment to Lansdowne House. Lady Lansdowne quite affectionate to Fanny and Harriet; had fire and warm air in the superb new statue saloon on purpose for them. Mrs.

It was known to you and yet you dared to write to a Frenchman that you were convinced of the decline of my kingdom. And yet you dared to bring charges against me, and to say: 'Ce seront mes enfants qui seront les victimes des fautes passees. Did you not know that it was the Marquise de Pompadour who gave occasion for this war?

Under the generic title of 'Les Victimes d'Amour, he made his debut with the following three family-romances: 'Les Amants , Les Epoux , and Les Enfants . About the same period he published a book, 'La Vie Moderne en Angleterre. Malot has written quite a number of novels, of which the greatest is 'Conscience, crowned by the French Academy in 1878.

And that which is made Holy by the dedication of men, and given to God, so as to be used onely in his publique service, is called also SACRED, and said to be consecrated, as Temples, and other Houses of Publique Prayer, and their Utensils, Priests, and Ministers, Victimes, Offerings, and the externall matter of Sacraments. Degrees of Sanctity

I was nott ye only one in ye claws of these wolves, for we fell in with 150 more of these cruels, who had Hurron captyves to ye number of 33 victimes, with heads alsoe stuck on poles, of those who in God's mercie weare gone from their miseries. As for me, I was put in a boat with one who had his fingers cutt & bourned.

Swift's letters paint with terrifying colours a picture of solitude; and at length his despair closed with idiotism. Even the playful muse of GRESSET throws a sombre querulousness over the solitude of men of genius: Je les vois, victimes du génie, Au foible prix d'un éclat passager, Vivre isolés, sans jouir de la vie! Vingt ans d'ennuis pour quelques jours de gloire.

Your wishes have been fulfilled in a most unexpected manner, and a voice cries out to you as to the imprudent Theseus, "Craignez, Seigneur, craignez que le Ciel rigoureux Ne vous Haisse assez pour exaucer vos voeux! Souvent dans sa colere il recoit nos victimes, Ses presents sont souvent la peine de nos crimes." Beware lest stern Heaven hate you enough to hear your prayers!

He has composed several comic operas and drames; and his pieces, without being good, have always obtained great applause. His drames are l'Amant Bourru, Clementine et Desormes, Les Amours de Bayard, Les Victimes Cloitrees, &c. You will find in them forced situations, but set off by sentiment. He is lavish of stage-effect and that always pleases the multitude.

"Vraiment, ma chere Madame EEL-sun, there is no sacrifice I would not make to procure you one. I am desole it should be impossible. I have been looking; but all the tabourets and chair are taken by ladies and gentlemans. You have a drole de maniere of travel in this countree; so many people together, the ladies must be victimes sometime." "Oh, no; you don't know how to manage, that is all.

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