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Updated: August 7, 2024

A remembrance, that the 21st day of May we communed with Iohn Rafe, and he thought it best to goe Northeast, and iudged himselfe 25 leagues Eastward to the Isle de Flores, and in 39 degrees and a halfe. Item, in 40 degrees the compasse did varie 15 degrees in the whole. Item, in 30 degrees and a halfe, the compasse is varied 5 degrees to the West.

Some of us achieve freedom with sorrow and with bitter tears and with great effort sometimes with spasmodic effort, and George Sand obtained inward freedom in that way. But however obtained, the first time a mind feels conscious of it, it is a revelation, and it may come as an influence from an artist soul. George Sand had "l'esprit libre et varié." George Eliot "l'esprit fort et pesant."

Certain pieces of Mozart seem to bring before us the rich greens of a summer landscape; the Fantaisie in C minor, and the Pastorale Varie are of this type. Arthur Hochman says: "Colors mean so much to me; some are so beautiful, the various shades of red for instance, then the golden yellows, rich warm browns, and liquid blues.

Mayenne started forward with half an oath, changing to a laugh. "So it is not enough for you to possess the fair body of Lorance; you must also have her love?" "She will love me," Lucas answered uneasily. "She must." "It is not worth your fret," Mayenne declared. "If she did, how long would it last? Souvent femme varie that is the only fixed fact about her.

I went and fetched it from my bedroom when I put on my hat. Robert read it aloud: "TRAVELLER'S CLUB "Sunday night. "'Souvent femme varie fol qui se fie! Hope you found your variation worth while! "What dam cheek!" he said, in his old way. He hasn't used any "ornaments to conversation" since we have been oh, I want to say it engaged! Then his eyes flashed.

He put it back with a decided gesture of his hand, and, leaning over her, whispered something in her ear. I don't know how they arranged it; but Miss Raymond wore the turquoises at the next county ball the ring, to her dying day. "Souvent femme varie; Bien fol est, qui s'y fie." We sat by the firelight in the old library of Kerton Manor.

It is true that Florestan's whole applause was expressed in nothing but a happy smile, and the remark that the variations might have been written by Beethoven or Franz Schubert, had either of these been a piano virtuoso; but how surprised he was when, turning to the title-page, he read 'La ci darem la mano, varié pour le piano-forte, par Frederic Chopin, Ouvre 2, and with what astonishment we both cried out, 'An Opus 2! How our faces glowed as we wondered, exclaiming, 'That is something reasonable once more!

Sithrike liued not past one yéere after he had so maried hir. And then Adelstane brought the prouince of the Northumbers vnto his subiection, expelling one Aldulph out of the same that rebelled against him. Boetius. The Scotish writers varie from our English authors. Beatrice daughter to K. Edward as the Scotish writers say.

Then, as if divining what was being said, through her quick woman's instinct, she drew us toward a window in the study of Francis I and showed us these lines scratched upon one of the panes: Souvent femme varie; Mal habile qui s'y fie.

The coiffeur, like a good man of business, eagerly endorsed the suggestion. "Perfectly, madame." "But if one's head should change!" said Madame Valière, trembling with excitement at the vivid imminence of the visioned wig. "Souvent femme varie, madame," said the coiffeur. "But it is the inside, not the outside of the head."

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