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This girl remembered how she used to watch this tattooed woman going up and down on Brummy's arm when he was working in the saw-pit going up and down and up and down, like this, while Brummy was working his end of the saw. So the bushranger was inquested and justifiable-homicided as Brummy Usen, and buried again in his dust and blood stains and monkey-jacket.

This limit will really give the established saloon more trade in the future, by reducing competition. While the increase in fee to new saloons will do the same." "By , yer right," said Blunkers. "That's too good a name to use that way," said Peter, but more as if he were stating a fact than reproving. Blunkers laughed good-naturedly. "Yer'll be gittin' usen to close up yet, Mister Stirling.

"Found 'em hanging in the lodge that usen to belong to the Great Bear," said the hunter, and then with grim humor: "'Lowed to keep 'em to ricollect ye by if so be ye was foreordained and predestinated to go up in a fiery chariot, like the good old Elijah." The weapons disposed of, he made answer to my query.

I met er Injun one time in de road, an' I axed 'im wuz he de man wat kilt an' sculpt Sis Leah, wat usen ter b'longst ter yer gran'pa, an' wat de Injuns kilt. I axt 'im 'ticklur, caze I had my axe erlong, an' ef'n he wuz de man, I 'lowed fur ter lay him out. But, bless yer life, chile, he went on fur ter say,

"He neither shall be clothèd In purple nor in pall, But in the fair white linen That usen babies all. "He neither shall be rockèd In silver nor in gold, But in a wooden manger That resteth in the mould." As Joseph was a-walking There did an angel sing, And Mary's child at midnight Was born to be our King.

An' ef it hadn't o' been dat I knowed what a cook she was, tell de trufe, de Widder Simpson's cross-eye would o' discour'ged me off enti'ely. "But now," he continued, chuckling; "but now I done got usen ter it; it's purty ter me seem like hit's got a searchin' glance dat goes out'n its way ter fin' me."

And thei usen alle berdes, as men of Grece don: and thei make the sacrament of therf bred: and in here langage, thei usen lettres of Sarrazines; but aftre the misterie of Holy chirche, thei usen lettres of Grece; and thei maken here confessioun, right as the Jacobytes don.

"You've got enough on ye now, without the sin o' takin' his life. You better make up yer mind to leave the mountins now right 'way. You're a-gittin' no more'n half-human, livin' up hyeh like a catamount. I don't see how ye kin stand it. Thar's no hope o' things blowin' over, boy, 'n' givin' ye a chance o' comm' out ag'in, as yer dad and yer grandad usen to do afore ye.

Dilsey and Chris and Riar are all women now, and are all married and have children of their own; and nothing delights them more than to tell their little ones what "us an' de white chil'en usen ter do." And the last I heard of Aunt Nancy, the "tender," she was going to school, but not progressing very rapidly.

Having thus authenticated her story beyond a doubt, Mammy hugged Tot a little closer and began: "Once 'pon er time dar wuz a beautiful gyarden wid all kind er nice blossoms, an' trees, an' brooks, an' things, whar all de little chil'en usen ter go and play, an' in dis gyarden de grass wuz allers green, de blossoms allers bright, and de streams allers clar, caze hit b'longed to er little Fraid, named Cheery."