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She did not comprehend all he said, and his face was in the shadow that is to say, unreadable. "I am sorry, very, very sorry." "How easily you say that!" "No, not easily; if only you knew how hard it comes, for I know that it inflicts a hurt," gently. "Ah, Count, why indeed do I not love you?" impulsively, for at that time she held him in genuine regard.

Some were writing long-hand; others were pounding away at the typewriter; others were talking in undertones to "typists" taking dictation to the machine; others were reading "copy" and altering it with huge blue pencils which made apparently unreadable smears wherever they touched the paper.

Whereupon I read the Countess's note with a magnificently unreadable face. Smart will be down in five minutes." The boy stared. "The the what, sir?" "The what?" I demanded. "I mean the who, sir." "The Countess. The lady who sent you up with this note." "Wasn't no Countess sent me up hyer, boss. It was Miss Tarsney." Somehow staggered, I managed to wave my hand comprehensively. "Never mind.

It was written in an almost unreadable script neither English nor German, and so arranged that if you were not careful you began with a toothpick and rice pudding and ended with soup and the day of the week.

By 1960 or so the alteration of perspectives will have gone so far that historians will be a little perplexed to explain the causes of the Great War. The militarist monomania of Germany will have become incomprehensible; her Welt Politik literature incredible and unreadable.... Such is my reading of the German horoscope.

Did not Augustin Thierry draw his intensely living, animated, dramatic, and yet thoroughly true "Stories of the Merovingian Times" from the colourless, diffuse, ill-composed history of Gregory of Tours? Did not Sauval's unreadable work become "Notre-Dame de Paris" in Victor Hugo's hands?

"What is it?" Thompson outlined what he and King had discussed, feeling more relaxed in her presence than he'd have thought possible the previous night. "So if what Sergeant King read is accurate," he finished, "I can let one of you feed, enjoy it, and still stay with my team." "It is accurate enough," the Count said, her expression unreadable to anyone without a field agent's training.

A few of the young Officer's verses, written in the stilted fashion of the time, and almost unreadable now, have been preserved. The lady's portrait hangs in the white drawing room at Bligh; a simpering, faded figure, with ringlets and drop-pearls, and a dress of amber-coloured silk. In Church

Their cheeks puffed out as if blowing, they appeared to represent the wind that blew from certain quarters. All the writing was in some foreign language. In the lower left-hand corner was what appeared to be the name of the maker but this was so blotted out as to be unreadable. "Huh!" The magnate straightened up.

The proprietor, his elegant diamonds flashing in the light, was seated on a raised platform from whence he could survey the entire company his face, impassive as marble and unreadable as the sphinx, was turned toward the faro lay-out, which this evening appeared to be the center of attraction.