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Updated: August 11, 2024

This was really too bad, for if they had only told us, we could have made our arrangements accordingly, but here we were starving and not the remotest prospect of supper. There was no use wasting unparliamentary language, so I began foraging in all directions, while H busied himself in cutting up wood to make a fire, a process not too easy with an uncommonly blunt axe.

This, which she ascribed to a nervous attack, was the result of some worry that had to do with the failure of my marriage, for she told me that to get rid of me " "She is too fond of you to have used an expression " "So unparliamentary!" Hortense put in with a laugh.

He was exceedingly wroth, and poured forth his vexation in a torrent of very unparliamentary language. "Corpo di Guida!" he exclaimed, among a curious assortment of heterogeneous adjurations "Body of Judas!" stooping to the ground as he spoke, and striking the back of his hand against it, with an action that very graphically represented a singular survival of the classical testor inferos!

Boscawen, sir Gilbert Heathcote, and others; but some of the whigs spoke against it; and Mr. Robert Walpole was silent. The speaker, and Mr. Smith, one of the tellers of the exchequer, opposed this unparliamentary way of demanding the supply: the former proposed that part of the army should be disbanded, and the money applied towards the making good such new engagements as were deemed necessary.

I would reserve the right in private to say in unparliamentary language what I think of them, but in public I would try to stick to parliamentary language. Because of all the blind and little, provincial people, they are the littlest and most contemptible. It is not their character so much that I have a contempt for, though that contempt is thoroughgoing, but their minds.

This day, I hear, hath been a conference between the two Houses about the Bill for examining Accounts, wherein the House of Lords their proceedings in petitioning the King for doing it by Commission, are in great heat voted by the Commons, after the conference, unparliamentary. 4th. Mr. Lowther a pretty gentleman, too good for Peg.

'Gentlemen, said the man in blue, with an air of the most consummate dandyism, 'I'll give you the ladies; come. 'Hear, hear! said Sam. 'The young mississes. Here there was a loud cry of 'Order, and Mr. John Smauker, as the gentleman who had introduced Mr. Weller into that company, begged to inform him that the word he had just made use of, was unparliamentary.

The Comic Speaker said he rather thought FARNSWORTH was a coward, but assassin was unparliamentary. Mr. FARNSWORTH said the evidence showed that BUTLER was on one side before he got a fee, and on the other afterwards. Mr. BUTLER said there was nothing green in his eye. As for FARNSWORTH, nobody would ever pay him $2000 for anything. The Comic Speaker said that all Mr.

When the affair of the supply was resumed in the house of commons, Mr. Stanhope made a motion for granting two hundred and fifty thousand pounds for that purpose. Mr. Pulteney observed, that having resigned his place, he might no w act with the freedom becoming an Englishman: he declared against the manner of granting the supply, as unparliamentary and unprecedented.

The Democrats in Congress being in such a small minority as to be unable to do any thing effectual either to impede or advance legislation, could only present their vain protests in words. Chafing under the difficulties they encountered, it is not surprising that at times they used language so ill-timed and unparliamentary as to call forth the censure of the House. On one occasion, Mr.

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