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Updated: August 9, 2024

Twiss, the father of my cousin Horace, is dead lately; and it is of him that I speak. He has unfortunately left three daughters, who, though doing well for themselves in the world, will now feel a sad void in the circle of their home affections and interests. And now, dear H , for myself, or ourselves, rather; for, as you may well suppose, my whole thoughts are taken up with our circumstances.

Camden Place, Bath, was one of the lofty terraces built on the charming slopes that surround the site of the Aquæ Solis of the Romans, and here my aunt Twiss kept a girls' school, which participated in the favor which every thing belonging to, or even remotely associated with, Mrs. Siddons received from the public.

Macmullen, on this refusal, brought an action into the Vice-Chancellor's Court on May 26, 1843, where, on June 2, Dr. Kenyon of All Souls' presiding, Mr. Hope appeared for Mr. Macmullen, Dr. Twiss on the other side. Dr. Kenyon pronounced in his favour on certain amended articles. Dr. Mr. Erle and Dr. Twiss both spoke against the articles, and were replied to by Mr. Hope.

"And is there no village nearer?" "Yes, of course," said Pamela. "There's where Barbara Twiss and the butcher Live, and where the church is." "And what's it called?" "What's it called?" repeated the children. "Why, it's just called the village. It isn't called anything else." "That's what I was afraid of," said Diana. "And it was all new country thereabouts to me.

I like Bath very much; I have not been here since I was six years old, when I spent a year here in hopes of being bettered by my aunt, Mrs. Twiss. A most forlorn hope it was. I suppose in human annals there never existed a more troublesome little brat than I was for the few years after my first appearance on this earthly stage. This town reminds me a little of Edinburgh.

But I more than doubt the possibility of even approximating the principles of Bishop Jeremy Taylor to the fundamental doctrines of Leighton, much more to those of Cartwright, Twiss, or Owen. Ib. p. 186. Bishop Barlow told my friend that got my papers for him, that he could hear of nothing that we judged to be sin, but mere inconveniences.

He had had some conversation last year at Belvoir with Lord Graham upon Indian affairs, and had been quite surprised to find how much he knew. He had thought he only knew how to comb his hair. The Duke thinks of Horace Twiss for secretary. He had thought of Mr. Wortley, Lord Wharncliffe's son, a very clever young man, but he wanted a made man, not one to learn.

And one that knows when to be sad and and when to be rejoiced, as I might say," said Barbara, though her voice trembled with the effort to speak calmly. Something seemed to flash across the room to Grandmamma as Mrs. Twiss spoke down fell the knitting, the needles, and the wool, all in a tangle, as the old lady started to her feet. "Barbara Barbara Twiss!" she cried. "What do you mean?

On one occasion, when Horace Twiss happened to mention that his bright little spark of a wife sat working in his library by him, while he was engaged with his law or business papers, my mother suggested that her conversation must disturb him. "Oh, she doesn't talk," said he, "but I like to hear the scissors fall," a pretty conjugal reply, that left a pleasant image in my mind.

Don't you remember the School House getting the cup four years ago when Twiss was captain? They had nobody who was any earthly good except Twiss and Birch, and those two used to make about a hundred and fifty between them in every match. Besides, some of the kids can bat rather well. Wilson for one. He can bowl, too. 'Yes, said the Bishop, 'all right. Stick down Wilson. Who else?

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