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Updated: August 16, 2024

I showed him my line but he said tome, 'Your styles are all right but your prices are too high. Vy, here is a hat you ask me twelf tollars for. Vy, I buy 'em from my olt house for eleven feefty. You cannot expect me to buy goods from you ven you ask me more than odders.

Hit may be de fote er de fif' er July, er hit may be de twelf' er Jinawerry, but w'en a Mobile nigger gits in my naberhood right den an' dar trubble sails in an' 'gages bode fer de season.

One of us asked him with how many tongues he was familiar, and he answered, with an apologetic aspect, 'Onily twelf. What could we have for dinner? 'Fery good dinner, gentlemen. There is red mullet, there is tomato farcie, there is qvail, We elected finally to dine on something which was announced as roast beef and looked suspiciously like horse.

Here I vork sefen days in de veek from sefen in de morning to elefen at night, and sometimes twelf. Only vonce last year I go to t'eater in de afternoon. Ven I com home I catch 'ell from my vife. She say, "You safe money, Sam, and we get oud of dese bondage," and I say I must haf a leetle recreations. Sunday all day I keep open.

Mud-Turkle house, dey all sot up, dey did, en tole tales, en den w'en twelf er' clock come dey had crawfish fer dinner, en dey 'joy deyse'f right erlong. Atter dinner dey went down ter Mr. Mud-Turkle mill-pon, en w'en dey git dar Mr. Mud-Turkle en Brer Tarrypin dey 'muse deyse'f, dey did, wid slidin' fum de top uv a big slantin' rock down inter de water.

"A Charmans ein Teutscher." "A German ine Tycher is the place you come from, I s'pose?" "Nein ein Teutscher isht a Charman." "Oh, yes! I understand. How long have you been in Ameriky?" "Twelf moont's." "Why, that's most long enough to make you citizens. Where do you live?" "Nowhere; I lifs jest asht it happens soometimes here, ant soometimes dere." "Ay, ay!

Could she not have reproduced from memory a fairly complete map of the valley, with its villages, mountains, and lakes clearly marked? But she would not on any account repress the man's enthusiasm, and her eager acceptance of his quaint information induced fresh efforts, with more whip waving. "Piz Corvatsch! Him ver' big fellow. Twelf t'ousen foots. W'en me guide him bruk ze leg."

I sell you some gloding cheap as dirt." "I don't want any clothing," answered Dick, briefly. "I vos mof next veek, und I sell you a suit for next to nodding," persisted the clothing dealer. "I don't want to buy anything," said Dick, and tried to push past the man. The fellow caught him by the arm. "If you vill only look at dose peautiful suits vot I haf for twelf dollar "

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