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If so, he had paid dearly. Advancing a few steps, Reginald caught sight of his body. Near it lay his head, severed by a sharp tulwar. Several other bodies lay about treated in the same manner, so that it was impossible to say whether the tigress had killed him. Probably some of the enemy, who had passed backwards and forwards over the spot, had committed the act of barbarity.

But now it is all explained the wise gentleness that really was in the heart of one so fierce as the Chief Allah rest his soul! What say thou, Captain Sahib?" "Bootea is wonderful," Barlow answered fervidly; "she is like a Rajput princess." Kassim coughed, stroked his black beard, adjusted the hilt of his tulwar, then coughed again. "Inshalla! but thou hast said something."

He rode in as a Rajput rides, with a swoop and a swinging sabre and a silent, tight-lipped vow that he would prove himself. Green though he was yet, he knew that the troop had found for him had rounded up for him had made him his opportunity; so he took it, right under their eyes, straight in the teeth of the stoutest tulwar man of the lower Himalayas.

Two brace of pistols, a Malay creese, and a tulwar, sharp on both sides, and very nearly six feet in length, completed this elegant costume. On one flag were of course the arms of John Company; on the other, an image of myself bestriding a prostrate elephant, with the simple word 'GUJPUTI' written underneath in the Nagaree, Persian, and Sanscrit characters.

Two brace of pistols, a Malay creese, and a tulwar, sharp on both sides, and very nearly six feet in length, completed this elegant costume. On one flag were of course the arms of John Company; on the other, an image of myself bestriding a prostrate elephant, with the simple word, 'Gujputi' written underneath in the Nagaree, Persian, and Sanscrit characters.

Hossein drew his tulwar, examined the edge to see that nothing had blunted its razor-like keenness, and then took his stand at the foot of the bed. Twice he raised his weapon; and then let it fall, with a drawing motion. The keen blade cut through the rug, as if it had been pasteboard; and, at the same instant, Tim sprang from the other side of the bed, and fainted in the arms of the men.

"There will be a hundred thousand of these infidels at Mandhatta, and when they see fifty Pindaris, tulwar and spear and match-lock, there will be unrest; perhaps there will be altercation they will fear that we ride in pillage." "I was thinking of that," Barlow replied; "and it would be as well that you turned your faces homeward."

Picking up his saber, he then cut the bell cord and lashed the fellow's legs to a chair. Then, giving the canvas package a closer glance of inspection, Hardwicke pressed the edge of his tulwar to Jack Blunt's throat, when he had closed the window, half raised, and shut the shutter so neatly forced with a jimmy.

"Well, I know that; but my father doesn't give me emeralds and diamonds to take with me to school. He could, though, if he liked, for he's got all those beautiful Indian jewels the Maharajah gave him." "Yes," said Singh, "and that diamond hilted tulwar." "Yes, that's a grand sword," cried Glyn, with his eyes sparkling. "I should like to have that." Singh laughed mockingly.

"Where in hell is Simpson?" demanded Eric Murray, as he struggled along clutching the gleaming tulwar tightly in his hand. "Drunk at Rozel Pier, I suppose!" bitterly answered Hardwicke. "Come here and just prick this fellow up into a trot!"