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The next day was one of those lax Mondays which come before the Tuesdays and Wednesdays when business has girded itself up for the week, and I got home from the office rather earlier than usual. My wife met me with, "Why, what has happened?" "Nothing," I said; "I had a sort of presentiment that something had happened here."

I'll bring Jonah and Daphne." "Mayn't I see the mistake?" "If I can find him." "Good-bye" "Good-bye. I say " She turned, one small foot on the steps. "I love your feet," I said. "Anything else?" "Yes. Do you always unfasten that chain and take off the bag when you go to the theatre?" She looked down at the little foot in its shining shoe. Then: "Only on third Tuesdays," she said.

For I must further acquaint the Reader, that, though our club meets only on Tuesdays and Thursdays, we have appointed a committee to sit every night, for the inspection of all such papers as may contribute to the advancement of the public weal. No. 2. Ast alii sex Et plures uno conclamant ore. Juv. Sat. vii. ver. 167. Six more at least join their consenting voice.

That became impossible and tiresome, and was narrowed down to four Tuesdays, perhaps, in one month; that resolved itself into one or two five-o'clock teas; and then again, if a lady got lame or lazy or luxurious, even the last easy method of receiving her friends became too onerous, and cards were left or sent in an envelope.

The formality of an invitation from a fellow is required, but this is easily secured by any scientific visitor who may desire to attend the meeting. The programme of the meeting each week appears in that other great British institution, the Times, on Tuesdays. The weekly meeting itself is held on Thursday afternoon at half-past four.

Scott had decided that it was best for Faith to come straight home from school at night, instead of stopping in to help Louise with her lessons. But both the little girls were pleased with the new plan that Mrs. Scott suggested, for Louise to come home with Faith on Tuesdays and Fridays and stay all night. Louise was learning a good deal more than to read and write. Mrs.

Gabriel settled into a despairing attitude of patience, and Cainy went on: "And there were great large houses, and more people all the week long than at Weatherbury club- walking on White Tuesdays. And I went to grand churches and chapels. And how the parson would pray!

"How often do you get the mail?" asked Jim of the storekeeper, who was also postmaster. "Three times a week by steamer from Rockland Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays." As Spurling had decided to bring his fish over every Friday, they would thus be enabled to keep in fairly close touch with the outside world. Percy, however, was somewhat disgusted.

And every once in a while, when the top of her head got too hot, she would dive under the ship and come up on the other side. In this way, too, she used to catch herrings on Tuesdays and Fridays when everybody on the boat ate fish to make the beef last longer. When they got near to the Equator they saw some flying-fishes coming towards them.

Austin very speedily discovered her son's secret; for he had taken little pains to conceal his feelings from the indulgent mother who had been his confidante ever since his first boyish loves at a Clapham seminary, within whose sacred walls he had been admitted on Tuesdays and Fridays to learn dancing in the delightful society of five-and-thirty young ladies. Mrs.