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He sat a moment, thinking; then he rose, and began searching for tracks around the shanty. He found none, however, in the dead leaves which he could distinguish from those of Tunk and himself. "It must be from my father," said he, a thought that troubled him deeply, for it seemed to bring ill news that his father would never make himself known. "He must have seen me last night," Trove went on.

Since noon he had been looking for Darrel, but the tinker's door had been locked for days, according to the carpenter who was at work below. For an hour Trove walked, passing up and down before that familiar stairway, in the hope of seeing his friend. Daylight was dim when the tinker stopped by the stairs and began to feel for his key. The young man was quickly at the side of Darrel.

Horses fall, and struggle, and lie helpless, and their drivers well, if I were to watch them long, I should be in danger of madness and hell-fire. Well, here is a big stable. A tall man has halted by its open door, and addresses the manager. "'I learn that you have a bay mare with starred face and a white stocking. It is Trove who speaks. "'Yes; there she is, coming yonder.

I pray God to keep you unspotted of the world." She was ever fearing unhappy news of the mystery that something evil would come out of it. As Trove rode away he took account of all he owed those good people who had been mother and father to him. What a pleasure it would give him to lay that goodly sum in the lap of his mother and bid her spend it with no thought of economy.

Being far from a town, Trove and Tilly were glad to accept the hospitality of the travellers. They had come to the great highway of travel from east to west. Every day it was cut by wagons of the mover overloaded with Lares and Penates, with old and young, enduring hardships and the loss of home and old acquaintance for hope of better fortune.

"He says he shall not need the help I offered him," Brooke answered. "Good night!" said Trove, who, turning, left the house and hurried away. Lights were out everywhere in the village now. The windows were dark at the Sign of the Dial. He hurried up the old stairs and rapped loudly, but none came to admit him.

He thought of that family in France in whose name he had urged his interference. That unknown Delcassé aunt who had sent out her agents for her lost heirs would she welcome and endow this lovely girl? He could not doubt it.... Aimée's youth and beauty would be treasure trove to a jaded lonely woman with money to invest in futures. Aimée would be a belle, an heiress....

"I'll go and drop them in the river," said Trove to himself. It was eleven o'clock and the street dark and deserted as he left his room. "It is a cowardly thing to do," the young man thought as he walked slowly, but he could devise no better way to get rid of them. In the middle of the big, open bridge, he stopped to listen.

"What a madman!" she murmured as she passed him, "I will never forgive you;" but as she confessed many years afterwards, this act of gallantly did not displease her. In truth, even in mythological fable, Trove has scarcely ever reduced demi-god or hero to more fantastic plight than was this travesty of the great Henry.

Duke, "both for smuggling and for having contravened the law of treasure trove." Then addressing Tom Kinlay he said: "Thomas Kinlay, you will now hold up your right hand and repeat these words distinctly after me."