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At present, in France, the delicate matter of titles seems to be better arranged, any gentleman, since the Revolution, being free to adopt any one he may fix upon; and it appears that the Crown no longer confers any patents of nobility, but contents itself with saying, as in the case of M. de Pontois, the other day, "Le Roi trouve convenable that you take the title of," &c.

J'ose bien dire que, de son temps, ni beaucoup avant, il ne s'est point trouvé de plus triomphante princesse, car elle était belle, bonne, douce et courtoise,

Vers le milieu du golfe, sur le chemin de terre, est un défilé formé par une roche sur laquelle on passe, et qui se trouve

In the latter year Fenelon and Trouve were authorized by Laval to establish a new missionary station. for a tribe of Cayugas as far west as the bay of Quinte on the north shore of Lake Ontario. The progress of mission work was now most encouraging. Peace prevailed and the Iroquois country was open to the heralds of the Gospel.

Then, while he sat waiting for the evening meal, blithely through the hush of the exquisite evening came the voice of the girl. She was singing from La Claire Fontaine: "A la claire fontaine Je m'allait promener, J'ai trouve l'eau si belle Que je me suis baigne."

I have now joined with France; and to join against it in this manner? "Milord j'ai recu les nouvelles propositions d'alliance que l'infatigable Robinson vous envoie. Je les trouve aussi chimeriques que les precedentes."

He is kind enough to consider me of some importance in the politics of this country owing to the information I am supposed to possess. I know nothing of the contents of the letter, but I want to regain it if only for a few moments. That is the whole story, and that is how matters stand between Larralde and myself. 'Il s'en faut bien que l'innocence trouve autant de protection que le crime.

The reflection which is the most censured in Monsieur de la Rochefoucault's book as a very ill-natured one, is this, 'On trouve dans le malheur de son meilleur ami, quelque chose qui ne des plait pas'. And why not?

Nous verrons. Je te dis qu'elle est amoureuse de Bruce. 'He is very devoted to her, I know, said Edith, 'and I daresay he's a little in love with her in a way. But she 'C'est tout le contraire, chere. Lui, c'est moins; il est flatte. Il la trouve une femme intelligente, he laughed. 'Mais elle! Tu est folle de ne pas voir ca, Edith. Enfin! Si ca l'amuse?

I have the right not to be bigoted or superstitious if I don't wish to, and for that I shall naturally be hated by certain persons to the end of time. El puis, comme on trouve toujours plus de moines que de raison, and as I thoroughly agree with that..." "What, what did you say?" "I said, on trouve, toujours plus de moines que de raison, and as I thoroughly..." "I'm sure that's not your saying.