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In the tense quiet came the tranquil lap of the lake, the call of a distant bird, the lazy murmur of many leaves in a morning wind. Philip stood very quietly by the table. He looked at Diane; he seemed to have forgotten the others, Tregar thought.

Wingate spoke some of an unlucky young man marooned in a forest with a knife wound in his shoulder described him and behold! my missing secretary is found after considerable bewilderment and uneasiness on my part. Wingate will stop here later." Philip civilly expressed regret that he had not thought to dispatch Johnny to the Sherrill farm with a message. "It is nothing!" shrugged Tregar smoothly.

Like as not he wears a flowing tie, a monocle and pink socks." The man approached and raised his hat, smiling urbanely. It was Baron Tregar. Philip leaped to his feet, reddening. "Excellency!" he stammered. "Pray be seated!" exclaimed the Baron with sympathy. "Such a disturbing experience as you have had affords one privileges."

It has interested me exceedingly to find you on the road ahead of me." "Baron Tregar," said Diane warmly, "you are very welcome, I assure you. Mr. Poynter has been pleased to inject certain elements of melodrama into his chance intrusion. Otherwise you would not find us staring at each other in this exceedingly ridiculous manner!"

"Tregar!" said Philip with an indignant flush. And added with an uncomfortable conviction of disrespect, "Er Excellency!" "I said intermittent disrespect," reminded Tregar.

Your father knows you are here in America?" "No. There was an Arctic expedition. He thinks I have gone hunting with that. At first I thought I could come to America and return with no one the wiser." "Having murdered Miss Westfall!" completed the Baron quietly. Ronador's face was ashen. "Excellency," he choked suddenly, "my little son " "Yes," said Tregar with sudden kindness, "I know.

"Permit me," said Philip uncomfortably to Diane, "to present my chief, Baron Tregar. Excellency, Miss Westfall, to whom I am eternally indebted." And Philip's eyes sparkled with laughter as he uttered her name. There was an old world courtliness in the Baron's bow and murmured salutation.

Tolstoi and Buddha, they are the men who knew. Was not my wildest error," he demanded reverting afresh to the other's reproach, "that homesick letter that brought him to my side? Peace came to me, Tregar, in building this lodge, in working in the field and hunting, in doctoring these primitive people who saved my life, in teaching the child of my Indian wife " "The child of your wife!

I made myself proficient in the English tongue that those traders and hunters and naturalists who stray here might guess nothing of my origin. I shall never again leave the peace and quiet of this island home. And you and I, Tregar, must quiet that Voice forever!" "Is that possible?" choked Tregar. "I think so," said Mic-co.

Augustine in which Baron Tregar was a "paying guest" came one twilight, a man for whom compassionately he had waited. His visitor was sadly white and tired, with heavy lines about his sullen mouth and the dust of the highway upon his motoring rig. There was no fire in his eyes; rather a stupid apathy which in a man with less strength about the mouth and chin might easily have become commonness.