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And whence be the grapes of the wine-press that ye tread? O, evil was the root, and bitter was the fruit, And crimson was the juice of the vintage that we tred; For we trampled on the throng, of the haughty and the strong, Who sat in the high places and slew the saints of God. They are here they rush on we are broken we are gone Our left is borne before them like stubble in the blast.

Som grapes nearly ripe, on a Sandstone Bluff about 1/4 of a mile from its mouth on the Lower Side I observed Some Indian marks, went to the rock which jutted over the water and marked my name & the day of the month & year- This river heads near one of the Villages of the Pania on the River Blue, a branch of the Kansas River. above this river about half a mile the Prarie Comes to the Missouri after my return to Camp on the Island Completed Som observations, Tred tried a man for sleeping on his Post & inspected the arms amunition &c. of the party found all complete, Took Some Luner Obsevations. three Deer killed to day.

We left Jacqueline rejoicing over her merit badge and Tessie pondering on her increasing perplexities. Venture troop over in Franklin was making such rapid strides in good scouting that Captain Clark, of True Tred, had reason to warn her troop members to look to their laurels.

Leaving his motorcycle at the boardwalk, the officer led the girls down on the sands where the life boat had just made shore. "Who is it, with her?" breathed Julia, for they could now see that Louise sat up in the boat and had some one in her arms. "It's Kitty!" shouted Helen. "She jumped to save Kitty. Oh, Louise, you darling! You brave little True Tred!" she cried. "Let me get to her."

"Look at those two infatuated lovers, Mother," said Kent. "They look as though they had left this mundane sphere for good and all. I believe they talk in blank verse with occasional lapses into rhyme. "'What kind er slippers do the angels wear? Chillun, chillun, chillun, won't yer foller me? Don' wear none fer they tred on air, Hally, Hally, Hally, Hallyloodja!"

"She had enough starch in that outfit to defy even the Sea Crest dampness. Perhaps that was the real idea. Come on, scouts. Do you recall Neal is to take us out in his new launch?" "And did you hear he is going to call it the Treddie, after us?" added Grace. "Yes, wanted to make it True Tred, but we told him that was copyrighted," explained Julia.

It read, from the hands of Grace, as follows: "DEAR WOODSMAN: We girl scouts of True Tred Troop have decided to answer your letter. Perhaps you need friends. If you do, could we help you? Our rules oblige us to assist all fellow beings in distress. Are you in need of help? You see, we not only can assist others, but in doing so we earn promotion.

The pretty gilt wreath, with its clover leaf center on a dainty white ribbon hanger, had been presented to Margaret on such an auspicious occasion, that the emblem meant much more to the girl scout than its official value of rank indicated. The True Tred Troop of Flosston had been organized one month when Margaret won the medal.

"And maybe he'll give us a sail on the millionaire's yacht!" suggested Grace. "See that it includes every True Tred. There, I believe the grown-ups are breaking in on our evening," complained Mary. "Let's make a march out of that waltz." "Don't you have wonderful times here, Mary?" asked Grace, entering the brilliant room again.

On the morning following the loss, the girls of True Tred were seen out on the road so early, the station master, old Pete, hurried to his window, and got ready for business, surmising an excursion or at least a local convention imminent. But no such occurrence was probable, it was only the troop out looking for the badge, and inevitably they did not find it.