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"What! is he avaricious?" "What do you mean?" "Ah! thereby hangs a tale. But we are near the place now; you will see a curious set." As Tomlinson said this, the pair approached a house standing alone, and seemingly without any other abode in the vicinity. It stood in a little field, with a hedge behind it, and the common in front.

The mate was peering round him in despair at the ruin which had come so suddenly upon them when he found Captain Ephraim at his elbow, half clad, but as wooden and as serene as ever. "An iceberg," said he, sniffing at the chill air. "Did you not smell it, friend Tomlinson?" "Truly I found it cold, Captain Savage, but I set it down to the mist."

Meanwhile Clifford sprang after Tomlinson through the aperture, and found himself in the presence of four officers, conducted by the shrewd MacGrawler. A blow from a bludgeon on the right cheek and temple of Augustus felled that hero.

Lord Palmet brought his eyes down from the busts of certain worthies ranged along the top of the book-shelves to the cushioned chairs, and murmured, 'Capital place for an appointment with a woman. Mr. Tomlinson gazed up at him mildly, with a fallen countenance.

John Tomlinson, merchant, of London, said, "He was a subscriber to the undertaking for finding a North-west Passage; which undertaking was dropped for want of money: that he should not choose to subscribe again upon the same terms; that he cannot pretend to say whether there is such a passage or not, or whether, if found, it could be ever rendered useful to navigation."

Nay, even the ster provostmarshal, lieutenantcolonel Tomkin-Maxwell ffrenchmullan Tomlinson, who presided on the sad occasion, he who had blown a considerable number of sepoys from the cannonmouth without flinching, could not now restrain his natural emotion.

After they've run around in here for two weeks, you couldn't kill 'em with an axe. If the coyotes don't catch 'em, there's nothing else can happen to 'em." "I'll give you about eight dollars for the green canary, Tom," said Doc Tomlinson. "I want to hang him in my store." "But I want to hang him in my wagon," objected Tom Osby. "He's company. You fellers plumb rob me every time I come to town."

"Heyday!" quoth Tomlinson; "have you been under my instructions, and learned the true value of words, and can you have any scruples left on so easy a point of conscience? True, you may call your representing yourself to her as an unprofessional gentleman, and so winning her affections, deceit; but why call it deceit when a genius for intrigue is so much neater a phrase?

After an exasperating delay, he got into communication with the Forbes mansion in Fortescue Square. "I'm Mr. Frank Theydon," he said, striving to speak unconcernedly. "Is Mr. Forbes in?" "No, sir." "Is that you, Tomlinson?" "Yes, sir." "Can you tell me where I can find Mr. Forbes at once?" "Isn't he at his office, sir?" "No. He will not be there till 12 o'clock."

Boomer said afterwards that the penetration of Tomlinson was wonderful, and that it was excellent to see how Boyster tried in vain to draw him; and Boyster said afterwards that the way in which Tomlinson quietly refused to be led on by Boomer was delicious, and that it was a pity that Aristophanes was not there to do it justice.