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All at once the tautness went out of her, and Sira leaned against the wall, divided between laughing and crying. "Tolto and his good friends were looking for you," the big man rumbled anxiously. "The teletabloids said there was a riot coming " He got no further. The gorilla-faced pursuer catapulted himself sideways through the portal, being too wide to go through in the regular way.

Sira ran out of a narrow gate at the front of the house into the street, to be stopped by a tremendous human framework as solid and unyielding as a mountain. She stepped back, drew her sword "Softly! Softly!" a rumbling bass implored. "Doesn't the Princess Sira recognize her servant, Tolto?" "Tolto!"

Tolto was a little slower to fall, but he only lasted a second longer. They knew that someone was taking the weapons out of their helpless hands. Then life returned. "Get up," said a languid voice back of them, "and let's have a look at the looks of ye." The Flight of a Princess The province of Hanlon, Prince Joro's hereditary domain, began about fifty miles west of South Tarog.

He appeared to be mortally wounded. Most of the others carried minor wounds, showing that the palace guards had put up a good battle in the sword-play. Both sides had refrained from using the neuro-pistols for fear that the beams, which readily penetrated walls at short range, might injure the princess. "Let go!" Sira wrenched herself free. "Where is Tolto? Has Tolto turned traitor?

Nor is the vanity of Buffon, and Voltaire, and Rousseau purely national; for men of genius in all ages have expressed a consciousness of the internal force of genius. Of two authors of the name of Guido, the one having eclipsed the other, the poet writes: Così ha tolto l'uno all'altro Guido La gloria della lingua; e forse è nato Chi l'uno e l'altro caccer

Presently four men staggered in, one to each leg, each arm, of the most impressive giant Mars had ever produced Tolto, to whom there was no god but the one divinity: and Princess Sira was she. Slow of perception, mighty of limb, he had come into her service from some outlying agricultural region of the red planet. His tremendous muscles were hers to command or destroy, as she wished.

The soldiers came plunging out into the street, swords in their hands, but they stopped to watch. Sime, Murray and Tuman, used to instant and automatic battle, watched. A struggle so titanic, by tacit, by unconsidered consent, must be left to decide its own course. Tolto seemed to be slowly gaining an advantage.

The shipmen, except for the officers, were unarmed, and they went down helplessly before the giant fists. Some of them found riot guns, but they might as well have pounded a Plutonian mammoth for all the effect they had on Tolto. Mr.

How did you get past Tolto?" "Do not use that ugly word against me. I implore you!" Joro protested. "What we are doing is out of loyalty to the monarchy not treason. The monarchy is of greater importance than individuals. Consider your duty to the rule of your fathers! As for Tolto " He issued a curt command, and there was the sound of movement.

There was no rush of air, because the pressure had already been equalized in the rush to the wreck at ground level. Panting, listening for pursuers, Tolto looked around. He found himself on a circular roof, bare except for the airlock and a number of upright posts, whitened by the Sun.