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Updated: August 9, 2024

"No, no, dearie! He is like he was, only they have fixed him a bit av a shelther from th' sun. Do ye dhrink this now," she coaxed in her pretty voice; "dhrink it, asthore, ye'll nade it f'r th' thrip." She held up a bowl of broth, steaming and sweet as the flesh-pots of Egypt, and Maren took it from her. "But did M'sieu Oh, I have slept when I should have tended him!" "Ye poor girl.

'Tis exthraordinney how a man learns to manage military affairs be auditin' thrip sheets an' rentin' signs in a sthreet-car to chewin' gum imporyums. If Gin'ral Washington iv sacred mimory 'd been under a good sthreet-car Sicrety iv War, he'd 've wore a bell punch to ring up ivry time he killed a Hessian.

But, before they injyed th' 'lieance f'r long, around th' corner comes me cousin Mike, with a half-brick in each hand; an' me brave Sullivan gives Doherty th' Kerry man's thrip, an' says he, 'Mike, he says, 'I was on'y pullin' him on to give ye a crack at him, he says. An' they desthroyed Doherty, so that he was in bed f'r a week." "Well, I wondher will Mike come back?" said Mr. Hennessy.

"'Why then, plase your Riverence, by the hem I say Father Corrigan, it wasn't my fault, but that villain Flanagan's, for he knows I fairly won the bottle and would have distanced him, only that when I was far before him, the vagabone, he galloped across me on the way, thinking to thrip up the horse.

Kentucky can go to the devil, half the stations be wiped out, and not a thrip do they care." "Have you sent word to the Colonel?" I asked. "If he was here," said Ray, bitterly, "he'd have half of 'em swinging inside of an hour. I'll warrant he'd send 'em to the right-about." I rode on into the town, Potts gone out of my mind.

Upon rare occasions Teague made his appearance on this straggling street, and bought his dram and paid his thrip for it; but, in a general way, if Gullettsville wanted to see him, it had to search elsewhere than on the straggling street.

Sometimes it can be conquered by snipping the infected leaves, but if it seizes an entire bed, the necessary evil of spraying with Bordeaux mixture must be resorted to, as in the case of fungus-spotted hollyhocks. Thrip, the little transparent, whitish fly, will sometimes bother border carnations in the same way as it does roses.

"Eyah," agreed Slavin, grimly, "he may. . . . A Luger's a mighty diff'runt kind av a gun tu other authomatics . . . an' th' man that shot Larry Blake ain't likely tu be fule enough tu risk packin' ut around for a chance tu thrip um up some day."

In spite o' what we seen of him on that trip, Jefferson Worth is sure a cold proposition. Give it to me straight. What will he do for the little one?" "An' it's just fwhat we see'd on that thrip that makes me think ut's a question av fwhat the little girl will do to him," answered Pat, thereby sustaining the reputation of his race. Fifteen years of a changing age left few marks on Rubio City.

He stopped his horse, raised the trap and dropped his phonographic voice, like a lead plummet, through the aperture: "I want to see four dollars before goin' any further on th' thrip. Have ye got th' dough?" "Four dollars!" laughed the fare, softly, "dear me, no. I've only got a few pennies and a dime or two." Jerry shut down the trap and slashed his oat-fed horse.

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