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Down theh on the bar she draws yo' right into shallow water, an' yo' hang up." Rasba looked up the river; he looked down at the nearing sandbar, and as they passed the rippling head in safety he turned a grave face toward the pilot. "Up theh, theh wasn't much suck to hit, but down yeah, afteh yo've drawed into the current, theh's a strong drag an' bad shoals?" "Jes' so!"

"Yo' maw said he was a drinkin' man, an' I said to myse'f, from my own 'sperience.... Yo' set inside yeah, Nelia. I'll go down theh an' talk myse'f. We come near buyin' that bo't yistehd'y. Leave hit to me!" Nelia sat down in the shanty-boat, and waited. She had not long to wait. A tall, rather burly man returned with the woman, who introduced the two; "Mis' Crele, this is Frank Commer.

Not until his binoculars rested upon the bar at the foot of Fort Pillow Bluff did Terabon's eyes discover any human beings, and then he saw a white houseboat with a red hull. He headed toward it to ask the familiar river question. "No, suh!" the lank, sharp-eyed fisherman shook his head. "Theh's no motorboat landed up theh, not this week. Who all mout you be?"

'Theh was a soun' of wibalwy by night, W'en 'Ush-'ark! A deep saun' stwike' ? Thaz by Lawd By'on. Yesseh. Well" The Creole lifted his right hand energetically, laid its inner edge against the brass buttons of his képi, and then waved it gracefully abroad: "Au 'evoi', Mistoo Itchlin. I leave you to defen' the city."

"What can I say to you all?" he burst out with sudden passion. "Theh yo' set with guns in yo' hands an' murder in yo' souls to listen to the word of God! How do yo' expect the Prince of Peace to come to yo' if yo' set there thataway?"

"Three-four licks on the oars up theh, and down yeah yo' save pullin' yo' livin' daylights out, to keep from goin' onto a sandbar or into a dryin'-up chute." "How's that?" Rasba cocked his ear. "Say hit oveh slow!" "Why, if yo's into the set of the current up theh, hit ain't strong; yo' jes' give two-three licks an' yo' send out clear.

He reached into his pocket, drew out a silver dollar, and handed it to the amazed mountain man. "Theh!" he repeated, defiantly. "I've shore gone to Hell, now, an' I don't give a damn, nuther. S'long, boys! D'rectly, yo'l heah me jes' a whoopin', yas suh! Jes' a whoopin'!" He left them abruptly and he went up into the darkness of the laurels. They heard him crashing away into the night.

The bottom looks bettah through that glass than it does when yo' down theh yo'self. Ah used to do a little diving at one time, but the reefs nevah showed up that cleah. It would be a big thing fo' the boats that take tourists out if they could have glasses like that one there."

"This un yaint, but theh's two spo'ts down b'low, that's quittin' the riveh, that blue boat theh, but theh's spo'ts." "I 'lowed they mout be," Nelia dropped into her childhood vernacular as she looked down the bank, "Likely yo' mout he'p me bargain, er somebody?" "I 'low I could!" the river woman replied. "Me an' my ole man he'ped a feller up to St.

A young negro was busily washing the broad veranda, but he stopped and straightened at sight of the young horsewoman. "Sambo, where's your mistress?" "Clar t' goodness, Miss Jinny, she was heah leetle while ago." "Yo' git atter Miss Lilly, yo' good-fo'-nuthin' niggah," said Ned, warmly. "Ain't yo' be'n raised better'n to stan' theh wif yo'mouf open?"