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Wery good little dinner, sir, they can get ready in half an hour pair of fowls, sir, and a weal cutlet; French beans, 'taturs, tart, and tidiness. You'd better stop vere you are, sir, if I might recommend. Take adwice, sir, as the doctor said. The host of the Saracen's Head opportunely appeared at this moment, to confirm Mr.

But have we time we the strong and active of the party to perform the duties of the table to the more retired and bashful, to whom these little attentions are due? The lady should be pressed to her chicken, the old man helped to his favourite and tender slice, the child to his tart.

He indeed appeared to eat little but bread, biscuit, tart, and fruit; but, beyond a grimace, which must have caused the admiral to reflect that of all the ugly persons he ever beheld in his life, this Chilian officer was certainly the ugliest, nothing particularly happened, and the dinner passed off without an exposure.

There was no irony in her remark and the waiter accepted it in good faith. "It's the 'eat, my lady," he explained serenely. "It all goes sour if they don't put something in it." Brigit ate a piece of fruit tart, a bit of cheese, and rose languidly. "I see your mother has gone to the country, Lady Brigit," said a girl near the door, as she passed. "Yes. She always goes on the 28th of July."

Heaven! said he, canst thou suffer me to die an ignominious and painful death? And for what crime? Not for robbery or murder, or renouncing my religion, but for not putting pepper in a cream- tart! Night being pretty far advanced, the vizier ordered Bedreddin to be put up again in his cage, saying to him, Stay here till to-morrow; the day shall not be spent before I give orders for your death.

It was a great chance for the bold little things. All the ingredients for the tart were now ready. Upon order of Mother Mitchel they began to peel the apples and pears and to take out the pips. The weather was so pleasant that the girls sat out of doors, upon the ground, in long rows. The sun looked down upon them with a merry face.

When Effie came in, she stood up restlessly and looked at the supper table. "Yes," she said, "it is just as he likes it the fragrant coffee, the raspberry tart and the jug of cream, the new-laid eggs, the brown loaf and the fresh butter. A simple sort of meal yes, quite simple and very wholesome. Very homelike, that's the word. Effie, there never was such a homelike sort of man as your father.

"There is prime venison for dinner, and a quince tart and good apple brandy. Ha! I was always glad I was born in Virginia. Here is Gideon swinging down the hill Gideon and his negro!" The tobacco-roller joined them, and with a wave of the hand indicated his purchase of the morning. This was a tall and strong negro, young, supple, and of a cheerful countenance. Rand was in high good-humour.

Schaban returned speedily to the tents, and gave the tart to Noureddin's widow, who snatched it eagerly, and broke off a piece; but had no sooner put it to her mouth, than she screamed and swooned away, Schemseddin, being present, was extremely surprised at the accident, threw water upon her face himself, and was very active in succouring her.

He visited small and great, rich and poor. "Oh, oh! Your Majesty," said all, "the tart was good, but may we never see it again! Plague on that tart! Better were dry bread. Your Majesty, for mercy's sake, a little dry bread! Oh, a morsel of dry bread, how good it would be!" "No, indeed," replied the King. "There is more of that tart!" "What! Your Majesty, must we eat it all?"