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Lidcote, completely restored by her two days' rest, found herself, on the following Monday alone with her children and Miss Suffern. There was a note of jubilation in the air, for the party had "gone off" so extraordinarily well, and so completely, as it appeared, to the satisfaction of Mrs. Lorin Boulger, that Wilbour's early appointment to Rome was almost to be counted on.

There are narrow-minded women everywhere, but the women who were at Leila's knew perfectly well that their going there would give her a sort of social sanction, and if they were willing that she should have it, why on earth should they want to withhold it from you?" "That's what I told myself a week ago, in this very room, after my first talk with Susy Suffern."

Pierson has given me an imperative order to conclude a matter of business there, and it is very important that it should be done. I should lose my position if I neglected the matter, and no one but Hasbrouck and Suffern knows that we keep the money in the house. I have always given out that I intrusted it to Hale's safe over night." "But I cannot stand it," she persisted.

Ide's enquiry roused her: "It's all right?" "Oh, quite right. Perfectly. She can't come; but she's sending Susy Suffern. She says Susy will explain." After another silence she added, with a sudden gush of bitterness: "As if I needed any explanation!" She felt Ide's hesitating glance upon her. "She's in the country?" "Yes. 'Prevented last moment. Longing for you, expecting you.

The fire which had been kindled at twilight danced on the brightness of silver and mirrors and sober gilding; and the sofa toward which she had been urged by Miss Suffern heaped up its cushions in inviting proximity to a table laden with new books and papers.

"So many? She didn't tell me she expected a big party." "Oh, not big: but rather outside of her little group. And of course, as it's the first time, she's a little excited at having the older set." "The older set? Our contemporaries, you mean?" "Why yes." Miss Suffern paused as if to gather herself up for a leap. "The Ashton Gileses," she brought out. "The Ashton Gileses? Really?

And finding the Gileses and Fresbies here will make it all right. The times have changed!" Susy Suffern indulgently summed up. Mrs. Lidcote smiled. "Yes; a few years ago it would have seemed improbable that I should ever again be dining with Mary Giles and Harriet Fresbie and Mrs. Lorin Boulger."

Among the merchants who built in that year were Thomas Suffern, Saul Allen, John Johnston, George Griswold, James Boorman, and William C. Rhinelander. It was their type of house that was accepted for the neighbourhood as the first streets began to open to the right and left of Fifth Avenue.

"I'm glad to have had a rest this afternoon, dear; and later " "Oh, yes, later, when all this fuss is over, we'll more than make up for it, sha'n't we, you precious darling?" And at this point Leila had been summoned to the telephone, leaving Mrs. Lidcote to her conjectures. These were still floating before her in cloudy uncertainty when Miss Suffern tapped at the door.

They had come from far up the Ramapo river; beyond Suffern. And the long downstream jaunt had made them hungry. Wherefore, as they reached mid-lakes they began to inspect the wooded shores for an attractive luncheon-site. And they found what they sought. A half-mile to southward, a gently rolling point of land pushed out into the lake. It was smooth-shaven and emerald-bright.