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Still, I always fancied that Leila might not think her case was closed, and so I chose to think that ours wasn't either. Let me go on thinking so, at any rate, till you've seen her, and confirmed with your own eyes what Susy Suffern tells you." All through what Susy Suffern told and retold her during their four-hours' flight to the hills this plea of Ide's kept coming back to Mrs. Lidcote.

There was, of course, no one at the station to meet us, and, after wasting some time in learning the direction, we at last walked to Dr. Mead's cottage, a quaint home, facing the state road that led from Suffern up to the Park, and northward. Dr. Mead, who had telephoned, admitted us himself. We found Warrington swathed in bandages, and only half conscious.

True, both editions carried display advertisements which offered a seventy-five dollar reward for information leading to the return of a "dark-sable-and-white collie lost somewhere between Hohokus and Suffern." The first time he saw this notice Link was vaguely troubled lest it might refer to Chum. He told himself he hoped it did. For seventy-five dollars just now would be a godsend.

Is it seven already?" "Not that it can make any difference, I suppose," Mrs. Lidcote continued. "But did Leila tell them I was coming?" Miss Suffern looked at her with pain. "Why, you don't suppose, dearest, that Leila would do anything " Mrs. Lidcote went on: "For, of course, it's of the first importance, as you say, that Mrs.

Miss Suffern did not at the moment seem disposed to enlarge upon this theme; and after an interval of silence Mrs. Lidcote suddenly resumed: "Do they know I'm here, by the way?" The effect of her question was to produce in Miss Suffern an exaggerated access of peering and frowning. She twitched the tea-things about, fingered her bugles, and, looking at the clock, exclaimed amazedly: "Mercy!

So she never gave me a hint of anything, and she even managed to muzzle Susy Suffern you know Susy is the one of the family who keeps me informed about things at home. I don't yet see how she prevented Susy's telling me; but she did.

At half-past eight? Then I must really send you packing. At my age it takes time to dress." Miss Suffern, thus projected toward the threshold, lingered there to repeat: "Leila'll never forgive herself if you make an effort you're not up to." But Mrs. Lidcote smiled on her without answering, and the icy lightwave propelled her through the door. Mrs.

She's in despair at not giving you a sitting-room; she wanted to know if I thought you really minded." "Of course I don't mind. It's not like Leila to think I should." Mrs. Lidcote drew aside to make way for the housemaid, who appeared in the doorway bearing a table spread with a bewildering variety of tea-cakes. "Leila saw to it herself," Miss Suffern murmured as the door closed.

The note of a motor-horn down the drive gave another turn to her thoughts. "Are those the new arrivals already?" she asked. "Oh, dear, no; they won't be here till after seven." Miss Suffern craned her head from the window to catch a glimpse of the motor. "It must be Charlotte leaving." "Was it the little Wynn girl who was called away in a hurry? I hope it's not on account of illness."

A papyrus now in Paris, dating 2300 B.C., contains quotations from two much older records, one a writing of the time of King Suffern, about 3500 B.C., which says: "The operation of God is a thing which cannot be understood."